Tag Archive for: creativity


What Is The Link Between Guided Imagery, Your Intellect, And Your Imagination?
By Max Highstein

Accessing the imagination is the key to creative problem solving, and it can also be very valuable in healing. The biggest limitation to using our imagination creatively is the intellect. Guided imagery helps us to slip past the intellect and use our imagination to solve problems, work creatively, and heal from within.

The intellect is something like a small computer. It can take the data it has been fed, and come up with various combinations of that data, and feed it back. It’s helpful for doing things like filling out forms, balancing a check book, and telemarketing. The intellect can only play a small part when it comes to real creativity, and tapping into the rich inner resources we all carry with us. For that, we need imagination, and the inspiration to use it.

Most adults have a complicated relationship to our imagination. We have fun using it on the rare occasions we allow ourselves to. But at some point during childhood or adolescence we figured out that with the possible exception of the theater, society tends to frown upon “make believe” as a way of being in the world.

That tends to be anathema for the imagination, so we stop using it. At that point, the imagination gets relegated to a backseat in our consciousness, and the intellect pretty much takes over. We actually begin to devote inner resources to keeping the imagination in check, so it doesn’t leak out at inappropriate times. The farther we get from the natural state in which the imagination is used on an ongoing basis (childhood) the harder it becomes to access.

But in order to come up with new solutions to new problems, and in order to shift our attitude inside to one that’s most conducive to healing, the imagination is required. Suddenly, we’re trying to use something we’ve told ourselves to avoid, and we’re stuck. In general the more intellect-focused a person is, the harder time they will have using their imagination.

Guided imagery is a workaround for the problem. A typical guided meditation asks us to relax – to set aside the intellect for a while. The soothing voice and soft music in the background tend to create a sense of safety that lets the intellect quiet down a bit. The images suggested in a guided meditation program (a gentle breeze, clouds, a mountain stream, etc.) tend to be triggers for our imagination to take off.

Max Highstein is the author of a wide variety of guided imagery recordings appreciated by folks the world over for over 25 years. To enjoy samples and free examples, visit his web site The Healing Waterfall at this link for a guided meditation.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_Highstein




Consciousness Awakening on Vimeo by Ralph BuckleyThe Action Taker Versus The Thinker, And What They Both Attract
By Joshua Clayton

To attract, we must act and not react. Sure, like a foot traveler, we must take each individual action like a walker traveling to their destination. This need not be hard or easy, but it does need to be something important that we do. Life cannot be confined to mere theory, but must be genuinely expressed in action or it is genuinely empty in every way without matter to how “beautiful” or “interesting” all theories came up with are.

Action without thought is the ultimate unconscious instinct without direction sure, but thought without action is even worse without matter to how objective it is. Think about that fact for a moment before you go on with this article because I am going to say some comfortable and uncomfortable things about the nature of reality.

Action with thought is the key to attraction, laziness is the key to nothing but not thinking and not acting. The only reality there is or can be that really counts is conscious action, unconscious action does not count except as filler for the conscious actions we all take. Creativity in this sense is the ultimate key to attraction, anything in nature can compete to be the best, but only the original creator can create the best. This is what I really mean by action with thought makes everything work. One without the other is literal unconsciousness and nothing else.

We create consciousness, unconsciousness just exists. Sure, that is another uncomfortable fact, but that is reality. When we are conscious, genuine caring and attraction starts. If that was not real, the inventor would not be creative, the inventor would be competitive.

Competition is instinctive, like one peacock trying to create a better plume of feathers on itself instinctively than the next peacock. Creativity is purely conscious and original. If it was not, nothing would be created and everything would be competed for. Each person creates an original consciousness and there are not any exceptions to this rule which is why original consciousness is always superior to competitive instinct. So, think about this reality: Consciousness and activity attracts. Inactivity and unconsciousness does not attract, it scatters.

So, real consciousness uses instinct sometimes, but, it is not based on instinct in any way. Instinct is secondary to consciousness. We must realize this fact at all levels before we use attraction “instinctively”. The best laid plans and actions are mostly the best. While the most instinctive plans and actions that fall within the scope of the plans we make sometimes help those plans and actions work. So, I end by repeating: Instinct is secondary to consciousness.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker.
I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joshua_Clayton


  • Through Higher Consciousness… (zazenlife.com)
  • The Conscious and the Unconscious (thejungian.com)