Tag Archive for: Law of Attraction

Quantum Physics and Law of Attraction – What Is the Link?
By Harald Reno

If you have heard of the law of attraction chances are that you have come across mentions of Quantum physics as well. At first impression, these two topics seem worlds apart from each other. But if that is so, then why do people mention quantum physics and law of attraction together, as if there was a deep link between them? Let us have a look at why these two seemingly diverse topics get simultaneous attention and mention.

What Exactly Is Quantum Physics?

Quantum physics is that branch of physics that specifically deals with Quanta. Quanta are nothing but minute or indivisible parts of energy. Quantum physics is based on certain crucial fundamental facts. Firstly, it makes one point very clear that the world of quanta is totally different than the world in which we live. Next, it states that the elementary particles of quanta can exist both in wave and particle form.

There are many other complex matters discussed this subject, but what matters to people like us who are investigating the relation between quantum physics and law of attraction are the strange results of some of the experiments done. The double slit experiment, Copenhagen interpretation and Schrodinger’s cat experiment are the major examples.

Double Slit Experiment

The double slit experiment revealed that particles of energy could exist in both particle and wave form and the mere act of observation by an observer could cause the particles to behave differently than what they behaved previously (without observation).

Copenhagen Interpretation and Schrodinger’s Cat

The Copenhagen interpretation also claims that particles can take a wave form or particle form depending upon the observation. In simple words it means that events can take a turn according to the act of observation. Schrodinger was a physicist who proposed the Schrodinger’s cat thought experiment to explain this better. According to this thought experiment, a cat (presumed) who is enclosed in a box with radioactive counter and hydrocyanic acid could be dead and alive at the same time, with both states being real.

The final outcome of the experiment will depend upon the observation made at the time of opening the box to check on the cat. According to Copenhagen interpretation, the act of observation is the decisive factor that determines the reality of the outcome.

Applying Quantum Physics to Law of Attraction

Our thought processes are a form of energy and the minutest part of this energy is called quanta. We already know that quantum physics states that these quanta can exist either as waves or particles. We also know that the decision of the quanta to present itself as waves or particles is dependent / can be changed according to the act of observation by the observer.

On deeper understanding what we can infer is that our thought processes can project / create a reality, and that reality is totally dependent upon the act of observation by us. Or in more simpler terms we see what we believe / want to see. We create our own reality according to the energy released by our thought processes.

Open the gates of success and abundance learning the Law of Attraction, and the other 11 Forgotten Laws priciples through series of teleseminars by Bob Proctor and other gurus. Please visit and register to learn more about relationship between Quantum Physics and Law of Attraction.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Harald_Reno


Law Of Attraction: Your Reality Mirrors What Is Within
By Wenny Yap

Please don’t be mistaken! It is not the law of attraction that is attracting all you want into your life but the power of your goal-seeking mind. If you have a clear understanding about this natural law of the Universe that almost everyone has taken for granted, you will believe that this statement is true.

The law of attraction had been laid down through the ages to conceptualize the conviction that “like attracts like” where positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results respectively. It partners with the most powerful creative force in the Universe… YOUR MIND! This partnership will do everything to create and attract all that you need and want as your reality. It turns you into a master manifestor. The truth of the matter is that you are already one because you do it every day!

The law of attraction is always at work in every aspect of your life, knowingly or unknowingly. Believe me when I tell you that everything currently existing in your life reflects back to you what is actually going on inside you. Your desire or fear, your dominant thoughts and feelings, they influence the images that you make inside your mind. Whatever you are aware of and whatever you focus on, you simply need to realize that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.

The pictures you generate consciously, though often times unconsciously, are responsible for how you are creating your life. When you are focused on avoiding an unwanted situation or a bad thing, you are really creating that image in your mind. This is because your thoughts and emotions have been hijacked by your dire need to avoid them that your mind simply creates the image in your imagination as clear as day. As far as the law of attraction is concerned, if you are focusing on it so much you must really want it, right?

Looking onto the extreme opposite, you can consciously and deliberately attract a life of fulfillment by creating your feel good inner world. Although a positive thinker does not refuse to recognize the negative, you will refuse to dwell on it no matter what happens. Maintaining a positive mindset, you habitually look for the best results from the worst conditions. You know it is always possible to expect the best for yourself even though things look bad. Remarkably, if you are thinking positively and optimistic, your creative mind automatically responds with feel good imageries. Needless to say, your reality will mirror your new perspective.

“Reality is the mirror of your thoughts. Choose well what you put in front of the mirror.” ~ Ramez Sasson

Remember that nothing in the world created your disappointments and misery but your own state of consciousness that created the ugliness. People who do not fully comprehend the law of attraction may tell you, “Beware of the dangers of your thoughts!” However, firm believers of this natural law of the universe know the statement to be untrue. Your thoughts and emotions need not be your enemies at all.

Your inner state of consciousness is easier to control than what you perceive around you. It will be easier for your eliminate all the negativities from within you rather than from the outer world. Without doubt, the key is to rid the negative thoughts and emotions from your inner world. Continually dwelling in them breeds fear, sometimes paralyzing fear!

I freelance as a ghostwriter and I also write regularly to share my learning curves, thoughts and manifesting experiences with the Law of Attraction on my blog at “Inside My Bubble Today”. Come share my journey as we make this law of the Universe work for us together. You can download “You Can Do It Too!” e-book for FREE now and start your very own journey to attracting more abundance. Please feel free to visit The Journey of Living Deliberately at http://on.fb.me/q97C7L and share your valuable thoughts with everyone there.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wenny_Yap


  • Affirmations for abundance and prosperity (bryantharper.wordpress.com)
  • law of attraction (dimitrisnowden.wordpress.com)
  • The Law of Attraction is just … (uncachable.com)
  • Creating Your Ideal Reality (zazenlife.com)
  • The Law of Attraction & Manifesting Abundance (zazenlife.com)
  • About the Secret (yourthoughtsyourfuture.com)

About the Secret
By Will Edwards

The Secret is the title of a best-selling book by author, Rhonda Byrne and it is also the title of a full length movie that was released via the internet and based upon the book. According to Wikipedia, the movie was released in March 2006 though the Wikipedia entry does seem a little confused at present.

When I saw Rhonda Byrne interviewed, speaking about her personal experience of writing the book, it seems that she first became aware of the idea when she read The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles, back in 2004. After the death of her father, when she was at her lowest ebb emotionally, physically and financially, her daughter gave her the book to read and Rhonda commented that it gave her a first “glimpse of the secret.”

After that, she said that she spent hundreds of hours reading books, listening to audios, gradually learning more about the secret and tracing it back in history. She became passionate about sharing the secret, she appeared on the Oprah show and, what do you know, everything changed for her.

What is The Secret?

Quite simply, the secret is about the Law of Attraction. If you have never before heard of this, the law of attraction states that like attracts like. The idea is that it is operating, all of the time, whether you like it or not, to bring your future into reality. If your thoughts are full of negativity, then that’s what turns up in your life; if you think happy thoughts, you get a different life. It just sounds too good to be true – right?

When I ask people if they are optimists or pessimists at my workshops, I usually get a minority who admit to being pessimists. That is because, I believe, pessimists generally prefer the label ‘realist’. They often don’t see themselves as pessimistic, but realistic. It turns out that things don’t generally go too well for them in life, so they are not being pessimistic, but realistic, they say. Now isn’t that an interesting fact?

Similarly, when you question the optimists, you find out that they take the view that they tend to be naturally lucky, that things often do work out well for them and, if they don’t, they can always deal with the situation should it arise. The fact is that they do seem to be luckier and things do seem to work out well for them more often. Now, regardless of how this ‘law’ works, here we have a simple example (optimism/pessimism) that is very easy to corroborate.

There have been many studies on the benefits of optimism. Optimists and pessimists alike, according to proponents, are both making use of the same Law of Attraction to create their own versions of reality. However, optimists live in a much brighter world in which the universe seems favourable to their dreams and desires whilst pessimists continue to argue the toss that life is just not like that.

Where Did The Secret Originate?

There are a number of well known New Thought books, now in the public domain, that all advocate the same basic principle including:

  • As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
  • The Master Key System by Charles Haanel
  • The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles
  • Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Neither Wallace D Wattles nor James Allen directly refer to the principle as the Law of Attraction, however, both books are indeed based upon the concept. Both Charles Haanel and Napoleon Hill refer directly to the principle by name. The title of Allen’s book comes from the book of Proverbs and if you simply read the verse from which the title is taken, you can quite easily discern what was in the mind of the author.

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7

Of course, this brings up the fact that the principle appears in the Bible and not just in the book of Proverbs either. It apparently also appears in Hindu scriptures and I would not be surprised to find it elsewhere within religious texts because it is essentially, a correct principle.

Here is the principle, as I see it anyway, in the Buddist scriptures:

“We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.” – The Dhammapada

It seems that a famous hadith of the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) may support the proposal that the principle is also to be found in Islam:

“actions are by intentions, so each man will have what he intended.”

Religious texts are always open to interpretation of course, so if you see things differently, then that’s ok with me. You could certainly argue the above scriptures either way, but it seems to me that if the principle is correct, then we should expect to find it within religions writings. Thoughts, after all, are one form of prayer.

Application of The Secret

Now, this is the part that many people get wrong. Somehow, from the popular books, it seems that quite a number of people have got the impression that all you need to do is think about what you want and it will come to you without any effort on your part. None of the above writers say that this is the case.

Wattles says, on this very point, that people meet their ‘shipwreck’ when they fail to connect thought with action. James Allen says that people will only see the results and not the effort that went in to producing them, Napoleon Hill is a strong advocate of having a plan and then working it and finally, Charles Haanel says that thought is what we put out to the universe and thought is what is received.

All of the above-mentioned writers are in complete agreement that thought is an important part of the process of achieving success, but none of them advocate thinking alone as a mean of getting what you want in life. Without exception, they all advocate taking persistent, goal-focused action.

All you really need to know about the secret is that it essentially concerns the importance of constructing a vision for your life. When you have done that, you should to focus upon it regularly. If you are a religions person, then you obviously would arrive at your vision prayerfully because your future is bound up with what you believe God wants for your life. If you do this and arrive at a solid and detailed picture of what you believe is your future, then regardless of the mechanisms that are involved, like so many people before you, you will begin to find the way.

You will receive ideas that will illuminate your path and, if you are serious about achieving what you have envisioned, you will commit yourself to taking continuous action that will move you in the direction of your goal. If you do these things, nothing can prevent you from achieving success.

If you enjoyed this article, you will also enjoy The Inspiration Blog

Will Edwards is Founder of http://www.whitedovebooks.co.uk

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Will_Edwards

Religion and The Law of Attraction
By Christina T Moore

The Law of Attraction works if you believe in God or not. It works no matter who you believe God is. For some who follow The LOA, the Universe and all that is in it is God. The Divine energy is all things and has created all things and through this energy we continue to create and expand this force. There is no death or birth of a soul but a transition to and from physical. We can never be separated from this Divine force as we are small fragments of it, holographic images of the whole. There is no punishment, hell or damnation. There is no need for salvation from sin as we were born perfect and this world is perfect as it is.

That is a lot to digest if you are from a religious background. There is one divine source from which we all come. This source is the glue that binds us all together. It is the space that fills the Universe. It is the informational conduit that communicates to our souls. No matter what your religious preference is the energies around us are the mechanical cogs that get things done. This energy is how ‘God’ moves objects and circumstances to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. All of these processes are on autopilot. They coordinate across the vast expanse of space and time to bend to our will.

Sounds pretty amazing doesn’t it? We set the events in our lives on their mark and let them go. You can keep your faith, but you must accept the responsibility for most of what happens to you. Your choice of thoughts direct the circumstances in your life. Have your faith in God, that’s wonderful, but try to grasp this concept with the eyes of a child; God is Love. Nothing else exists but Love, when you witness anything other than that, it is merely resistance to Love. Let go of the resistance and Love will bring the situation power. Lets look at it from a scientific stand point.

When you apply strong emotion to imagination it produces electrical and magnetic potential that runs through our bodies and moves within the fluids across the membranes of our cells.

This process creates a vibrational signature that moves out of the body into the environment.

(1) Professor Hans Jenny explains that the higher the frequency of vibration, which is generated by pleasant emotions, the greater the environmental influence. Not just within the proximal location where you stand but simultaneously through the universe as a whole.

This feeling you have just produced effects other energies, cells, and DNA everywhere that has the same vibrational signature.

This amazing process, in my opinion, proves that there is a God. Who his is to you is up to you and what you are able to understand. When you are ready to grow the information will come.

(1) According to Hans Jenny, professor at Berkeley 1936, where he contributed his book, “Factors of Soil Formation” (1941). One of many articles can be found at; http://www.cymaticsource.com/articles/a1-article.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christina_T_Moore

English: American self-help writer Napoleon Hi...

Image via Wikipedia

By Michelle Kulp

The first step in manifesting the desires of your heart is that you first have to “ask” for what you want. Sometimes we forget that step. You see, without asking, you will receive no answer. It’s important, however, to note that before asking comes a sort of “pre-step” which is actually sitting down and figuring out exactly what the desires of your heart are. (We’ll go over that a little later.)

It says in Napoleon Hill‘s classic book, “Think and Grow Rich,” that “The imagination is literally the workshop wherein are fashioned all plans created by man.” “It has been said that man can create anything which he can imagine.” This means that whatever you can “visualize” as being possible in your life, IF you believe, you can achieve it.

What is a belief? A thought that you repeat over and over until it turns into a belief. All thoughts carry a vibrational energy to them. That vibrational frequency is attracting that which you are “thinking” about. Unfortunately, many of us think about what we don’t want and therefore what we “don’t want” is drawn unto us.

What you currently have and are experiencing in your life is a direct result of the law of attraction. Just like the law of gravity works whether or not you believe in it, so does the law of attraction.

The Law of Attraction says, “that which is likened unto itself is drawn” or in other words, “you get what you think about whether your want it or not!”

According to Esther and Jerry Hicks, from the book, “Ask and it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires”: “Every thought vibrates, every thought radiates a signal, and every thought attracts a matching signal back.”

According to the authors and the teachings of Abraham from this book, there are 3 steps to the law of attraction and learning to manifest your desires.



You Ask – This is your work and it requires action on your part. That’s why it’s important to do the pre-step and sit down and write out what you really want in your life. Everything is possible.

The Universe Answers – The answer is given (not your work); Step 2 is the work of the “non-physical”, the work of the “God Force”. Although all questions are answered and every desire is given, it may be hindered because of your inability to complete Step 3…

You Allow it In – This is the application of what’s known as the “art of allowing. It has to do with the matching of the vibrational frequency of your Being to match the vibrational frequency of that which you desire. So unless you are in the receiving mode, then your questions and desires will not be answered or fulfilled (they were heard, but because your vibrations are not a match, you are in essence, not letting them in.)

So, let’s review… you only have 2 steps, the asking part and the allowing part. Seems pretty straight-forward, right?

It truly is, but here’s where most of us get hung up and these are the things that actually prevent us from manifesting the desires of our heart:

Telling your story – For example, the “I’m broke story.” You cannot continue to point out the absence of something you want without holding yourself in resistance to that which you want. So you need to stop talking about the story of “what is” if you want something to change.

Forgetting the time-gap – Often we ask for something we want and because there is a time gap from the time we ask to the time we receive, instead of focusing our attention purely on the desire itself, we go back to the “lack of” the desire and then we end up attracting that. When you are more aware of what you don’t want, then what you do want cannot come into your life.

Your Emotions – Our emotions will actually tell us exactly what is going on when it comes to the law of attraction. If we are feeling bad we are not in alignment with what we want; if we are feeling good about it, then we are in alignment with our desires.

Trying to Control your Thoughts – Instead of trying to “force” or “control” your thoughts, try simply reaching for a good feeling about that which you desire and that will guide your thoughts in a more natural way.

So your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to write down 3 things you want in your life. It can be for material things or a situation to improve, a relationship or a health issue. Write it down now.

Remember, you only have 2 jobs to manifest your desires (and you just completed the first job, which is asking.) Now your second job is to “allow” and how do you allow your desires in? By focusing on the desire (not the lack of it in your life) and to reach for good feelings as a way to guide your thoughts back to the desires of your heart.

Repeated thoughts = Beliefs.

Beliefs = Manifestation of our Desires.

I’ll end with a beautiful quote from Buddha:

“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow; our life is the creation of our mind.”

Michelle Kulp, is known as the “6-Figure Woman Coach!” Michelle is passionate about helping Women make 6-figures and to turn their Passions and Pleasures into Online Profits. If you would like a FREE copy of Michelle’s FREE, ebook, “The Lazy Woman’s Guide to a 6-Figure Income”, please visit her website at: http://www.becomea6figurewoman.com

Article Source: The Law of Attraction – Learning to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires


Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

How to Get What You Want – Christianity Vs The Law of Attraction
By Robert David Fraser

I have recently been learning a lot lately about the law of attraction. I’ve talked to a few people and as soon as I mention the law of attraction, they cut me off and tell me that they are a Born Again Christian. I was thinking about that the past few days and had a little internal struggle with that.

This morning it did finally hit me! The law of attraction and Christianity are in essence the same thing. The Christian faith is based on that, faith. The law of attraction is that you attract what you are.

If you are a faithful person, you will attract events, circumstances, and events that will cause you to be more faithful. If you are a negative person, you will attract events, circumstances, and events that will cause you to be more negative. If you are a happy person, you will attract events, circumstances, and events that will cause you to be more happy. I think by now you get the picture.

If you have faith as much as a grain of mustard seed (which is a really small seed) you can move mountains. I’m sure you recognize that verse as I am paraphrasing for the sake of time. That means if you have just a little faith, you can do anything. The law of attraction says that you attract things in your life from your vibrations or thoughts.

Having faith filled thoughts will cause you to be happier and have a higher vibration, which will bring things into your life faster. The bible also states that whatever you ask for, in faith believing, you will receive. It’s just as simple as that.

Ask for what you want, believe that you have received it, and be thankful. Now keep in mind that what you are asking for has to be something that will provide real world value and benefit mankind. Having a nice new watch on your wrist or a brand new car is hardly something of the sort. A character trait, happier marriage, discipline in finances, and things similar will provide far more benefit.

The law of attraction is basically a part of Christianity. It is simply your faith in action. If you really want to think outside the box, you can call it God’s automated answer to prayers. If you pray about something worthwhile and truly believe that you have received it, then you will get it.

This is something that will happen as fast or as slow as you believe that it can happen for you. We all struggle sometimes with our faith and it is one of the most basic, yet deep core beliefs and virtues to have. Continue working everyday to build your faith and you will find that by doing so, you will get what you want.

For more information on living the life you truly want to live and doing what it is that you feel like you were put on this earth to do, visit my blog at http://work-with-rob.com/work-with-rob

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_David_Fraser