These are articles of inspiration that inspire us to be more loving and understanding with ourselves, fellow humans, and our planet.

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Ten Ways to Awaken and Be Free!
By Pamela Turner

How beautiful to be free! Free from illusions and the endless demands of ego. We are in a magnificent age in the world right now, one where humanity is awakening, remembering our wholeness, our goodness, and our unlimited potential. Here are ten ways to enhance your own awakening process and live in freedom, love and joy!

1. Awareness: As you become more aware, you are able to see how the conditioned mind traps you and keeps you unfulfilled, always chasing after endless conditions to make you ‘happy’. You start to identify with the observer who is aware instead of the mind with its endless judgments and demands of the ego. When you realize you are not your thoughts, you can begin to change them or rise above them. You are the vast awareness that was there before you were born and will be there after you die. Practice meditation, mindfulness, the Four Agreements by Miguel Ruiz.

2. Let Go: Energy follows thought. Whatever you focus on you are feeding. When you let go of a thought, desire or emotional charge, you disengage and enter the flow of life. Things come and things go, but you don’t have to be jerked around by them and controlled by them. You are the stillness in the center that is living it all. You are the sky, not the clouds.

3. Forgive: When you cling to feelings of resentment and revenge, you carry them around in you. They affect your mood, your thoughts and your vibration. They don’t affect the other person at all. Learning to forgive forgive others is granting you your own freedom. It doesn’t mean you condone that behavior, it means you want to be free from carrying the bad energy around. Forgiving yourself is loving yourself and having compassion yourself. This gives you room to blossom.

4. Gratitude: Gratitude comes in many forms: appreciating, blessing, expecting the best. When you are being grateful you are vibrating at a high level and you are attracting to you more of what you are blessing. When you are in gratitude you are in the present moment, receiving instead of in the past or future grasping or pushing away. Remembering your “Thank you, God’s” the first and last thing of every day opens you to life’s highest energies and increases everything good in your life.

5. Being Authentic: Running around endlessly trying to please others, pretending to be who you are not to gain their acceptance and avoiding life and situations because of fear separate you from Who you are and close you off from the Goodness of life. You are responding to life instead of reacting. When you are authentic, you love yourself and express your own unique beingness without holding back.

6. Raise your Energy: Many things in life lower our vibration. The more dense you are, the less clarity, love and vitality you have and the less you are able to choose your path instead of just following the rut. Your inner and outer environment affects your energy: who you are with, what you focus on, what you eat, how you breathe. Energy follows thought. Whatever you are focusing on in life you are attracting. Raise yourself by focusing on what you want, not what you don’t want.

7. Breathe: Breath is inspiration. You are not only giving yourself life-enhancing oxygen but also increasing your vital energy, your chi or mana. It takes energy to grow and evolve. While giving yourself this necessary fuel, deep breathing also centers you, releases endorphins, relaxes you, allows you to enter the healing, intuitive state and centers you in your Being. You can do it anywhere, anytime. It brings you Home.

8. Being not Doing: All the running around, grasping and pulling in the world is just your mind trying to make your mind happy. Awakening is not something you have to try to do. It is something you remember. Your heart remembers – being present, being aware, being loving, being authentic, being allowing, being life itself without judgment. Your heart knows the path. When it is happy, you are on the right path.

9. Allowing: Allowing exists when judgment stops. Judgment separates. It is a mind game that isolates you from the rest of the world, from the rest of your Self and nourishes your limiting beliefs. Allowing the present moment to be just what it is, allowing others to be who they are and allowing yourself to be who you are is a gateway to personal freedom and joy. When you are allowing, you are not blaming. You are in your power, not giving it away.

10. Laughing: You laugh in the present moment, letting go everything else just for that moment, free, joyous, raising your vibration, raising your energy, releasing endorphins, connecting to the world and your authenticity, just being n the flow of life just the way it is! Laugh alot. Laugh deeply. Just laugh! founder Pamela Turner has spent her life studying personal and spiritual growth and healing. Pamela has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology, is a Master Practitioner of Neurolinguistic Programming, a Certified Hypnotherapist, Licensed EmoTrance Practitioner, Advanced Reiki Practitioner, Certified Energy Healer for Animals and a Huna Shaman. She has also studied extensively in the fields of quantum physics, mind/body healing, Toltec Spirituality and astrology, to list just a few of Pamela’s many areas of study. As she got older, and after quite a bit of healing and clearing of her personal path, Pamela realized the time had come for her to apply her years of dedicated study, work and learning to the greater good. Pamela now devotes her time and energy to the creation of products that promote and enhance healing and growth, performing Energy Healing for Animals and providing Counseling and Healing for people fortunate to cross her path.

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  • Awakening to the Truth of Your Self (
  • Give Love – Gather Love (
  • Awaken to the Truth of Man: You are Good, A Guest Post by Mike Hopkins (
  • Awakening from the illusion will enable all your faculties – from Saul through John Smallman (
English: American self-help writer Napoleon Hi...

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The Body as the Reflection of a Mental State

Author: Genevieve

This is an assumption that any person in his right mind would desire to live a happy and fulfilling life in all areas of his existence.

Napoleon Hill popularized the statement “Whatever the mind of man can conceive, it achieves.” The mind is the origin of everything manifested in the material world. Health, wealth, beauty, lifestyle, education, job or career, relationships, appearances and everything that an individual experiences in his everyday life is a reflection of what is going on in his mind.

The mind is the seat of perception, creation and creativity, imagination and productivity, analyses of situations and any experiences in the material condition of an individual.

Whatever is the quality of the flow of thinking of a person is reflected in the quality of life he is experiencing in his material world. The contents and activities of the mind are enacted by the body and are also reacted by the surrounding including objects, incidents, and other human beings.

If the mind is disciplined to think only on beauty, wealth, health and creative works then these are also manifested in the lifestyle of the thinker. If the mind sees only beauty in the person regardless of any flaws then this person will look beautiful to everyone too. If the mind focuses on wealth as the person’s true state of being then this person will only see opportunities that he had never acknowledged before then he starts to act accordingly to success. If the mind sees the person healthy in every detail of his body then that is what this person becomes.

We are what and how we think. Everything we experience in our lives is just a reflection of our mental state. Our health and beauty, regardless of age and circumstances in life are the enactment and manifestations of the state of the mind.

Any shade of negative thoughts that become a dominating thought for quite some time reflects on the way we live in all areas; such as money or income, job or career, our chosen field of specialization, relationships.

Anyone who desires to live a fulfilling and successful life must first pay attention to his mental attitude in a moment by moment basis.

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About the Author

I am Jenny, married, 56 years old, a College Professor for 20 years teaching Social Sciences and Business specifically Economics.


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The Dream and The Separation
By Gary Greenbank

The Dream

You have probably heard the saying ‘we are all one’. You may feel this to be true and have even had experiences in your life where you felt this connected energy. Why then do we all feel so separate from each other most of the time? What causes this separation and fear between people which results in everything from simple arguments and road rage through to racism, murder and even war?

What would you say if I shared with you that your life was actually a Dream, a complex illusion. At this stage your response may be that you’ve always felt this to be true. Or you may feel that I’m crazy. Some of you will be at a stage of life where you are open to this idea as a possibility and are prepared to withhold judgement. How about if I added that this Dream was taking place in the mind of a Supreme Being. Let me now go further. This Supreme Being, who is having the Dream, is actually YOU. In reality it is also me and everyone you see around you. In other words we are all this Supreme Being that is having this Dream and in this life we are simply a character in our own Dream. This Supreme Being is perfect and complete and this Dream is a way of feeling the feelings of NOT being perfect.

You, at your Higher Self level, are perfect and complete. YOU, as your HIGHER SELF are the SUPREME BEING, CONSCIOUSNESS, the CREATOR. If it suits your beliefs you could say that you, at the level of your Higher Self, are GOD. You are experiencing your life entirely in the mind of your Higher Self. So you and everything thing around you has been created by you at the level of your Higher Self in a Dream.

At the beginning of your life, in what I call The Separation, you are given judgement which is the mechanism that helps to keep you separate from others. At ‘birth’ you forget who you really are and begin having experiences that make you feel limited and incomplete. All this is designed to let you experience life, and everything you experience is designed to support you in living your life purpose. Your role, as a character in this Dream, is to experience feelings for yourself as the Supreme Being which is who you truly are. At some stage, when you are ready, you can begin to question reality and this feeling of being lacking and incomplete. This is the beginning of your journey back; where you begin to slowly understand the reality of the Dream.

When you see the Dream for the illusion that it is it ceases to have the same effects on you. People and things that have been affecting your life begin to lose their power. You begin to understand that we are all one. This is the beginning of reclaiming power in your life and thereby changing your Dream. This will then bring more happiness, joy and unconditional love into your life each day. Seeing life for what it actually is causes a feeling of lightness and even laughter and is no longer a cause of fear. If you are reading this you are more than likely ready for the journey back.

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Gary Greenbank

� 2011, All Rights Reserved

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The Internet of Minds
By Gary Greenbank

There is growing evidence that we create reality with our minds and further more that our minds are connected as one in a way we as yet don’t understand. How is this possible?

One explanation is to do with the two hemispheres of the human brain. You have probably heard that the brain comprises of two halves, left and right hemispheres. What surprised me when I researched this subject is that the brain really is in two distinct halves that are separate from each other and only connected by the corpus callosum at the base. These two distinct halves have very separate roles and both process information differently. The left brain is the one we use for regular tasks such as logical, rational thought and time orientation. The left hemisphere is all about the past and the future. It takes all our experiences and information from the past and projects into the future to give us feedback on possible actions and results. It’s the ‘little voice’, the ego that gives us our sense of individuality. The separate identity of ‘I am’. It is the mechanism by which we separate ourselves from others.

Conversely the right hemisphere is used for intuitive thinking and kinesthetic feelings. It is connected to the energy all around us and operates in the moment as this energy streams in from external sources. The right hemisphere lets us know what the present moment looks like, feels like, smells like and tastes like. Is it possible that the right sides of our brains are all connected in some way that we don’t fully understand as yet? Could the right hemisphere of our brains be connected in something like an internet of brains where all knowledge is available to all those connected to it and all those connected to it are also connected to each other. After all we are capable of sending complex information wirelessly between mobile phones and computers on opposite sides of the world. Isn’t it therefore feasible, and even probable, that our brains are connected in some way that we do not understand at this point in our technological evolution?

Right and left brains A fascinating example of this idea in real life was experienced in 1996 when Jill Bolte Taylor, a thirty-seven year old brain scientist, suffered a major stroke. A blood vessel had ruptured in the left half of her brain. What made this event fascinating was that being a trained professional in matters of the brain she was able to understand what was happening as the left side of her brain began shutting down. During the experience, that took place in her home over four hours, she lost the ability to talk, walk, remember anything clearly or undertake simple cognitive tasks. The intuitive, kinesthetic and feeling right hand side of her brain continued to function normally. Ms Bolte Taylor has presented her experience to fascinated audiences throughout the world.

In summary when her left brain was shut down and only her right brain was functioning she felt a total sense of peace and joy. Her left brain was silent and she had no ‘little voice’, no ego, no cognitive functions. On the other hand because she was experiencing the world purely through her right hemisphere she felt at one with all the energy around her. She found that could not define the boundary of her body, where she ended and the external world began. She couldn’t identify her position in space and felt enormous. She describes the feeling as ‘nirvana’, a world filled with compassion and love. In reality she was experiencing her true essence. She was experiencing herself as she was before The Separation which made her forget and start feeling limited and separate.

When she survived this near death experience Ms Bolte Taylor realised that if she could find nirvana then everyone could find nirvana. She makes the point that everyone can choose who and what they want to be at any moment. Step into the right hemisphere and feel compassionate and connected to the energy and people all around you. Or step into the left hemisphere and become an individual ego totally separate from others.

I believe that the right hemisphere is what connects all of us to our Higher Self. When you look from the perspective of you Higher Self it is the same as choosing to experience the world completely through the right hemisphere of your brain. You can make the choice to enhance your life and it is a conscious decision.

The video of Ms Bolte Taylor’s presentation

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Gary Greenbank
� 2011, All Rights Reserved

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Give Love – Gather Love
By Carolyn Porter

I’m sure that most of you, if not all of you reading this article know that love feels good, so much better than fear. And I imagine you know that there are only two emotions in the world – love and fear. Every feeling we experience originates from these two emotions. Both are powerful and steer your life according to the foundation upon which you build each thought and word – from love or fear.

Love expresses as compassion, understanding, appreciation, acceptance, forgiveness, abundance, peace, harmony, caring, commitment, expansion, freedom, magnificence, empowerment and joy, whereas fear expresses as anger, jealousy, criticism, judgment, lack, discord, unhappiness, procrastination, low self-worth, confinement, smallness, retaliation, guilt, hurt, blame and shame. It is obvious which expressions are more favorable and which ones you would rather experience.

You probably also know that whatever you send out every day – the energetic vibrations of your thoughts and actions – is what comes back to you many times over in the experiences of your life. Anger begets anger; judgment begets judgment. It’s a scientific fact that you cannot change the energy midstream and receive positive results from fear-based thinking. However, if you change your original base of thinking into positive thoughts from love, you can then shift your entire outcome into something good.

I know you’ve heard this many times before, but have you listened to it and accepted it as a truth? You may have great head knowledge and can spit out the perfect words that tell others you’ve got it, but do you really get it? Is the inner knowing of love-based thinking and actions really a core in your being so that everything you say and do has a root in love?

Some years ago as I was searching for the perfect decorator items for the opening of Where Miracles Happen Quantum Healing & Empowerment Center, I came across the words in the title of this article. It was scripted on a framed piece of art with the background the exact colors in the center. It was an instant internal knowing that this was something I had to purchase because the words were exactly the basis of everything the center stands for. I placed it in our downstairs restroom where individuals could see it as they washed their hands. Many people commented on what a great piece this is.

So let’s dig into this thought for a moment. Every thought you think is made of energy, and once that energy is formed, it continues to circulate around the universe picking up more of the same energy; it is constantly in motion and never dies. So if you’re thinking hateful thoughts about someone, maybe in the form of anger, that energy spins out from you and gathers all kinds of other angry thoughts, getting larger and larger in the process. Pretty soon there is a massive energy vortex of anger circulating around you and all the other beings with those thoughts. It will hover over you like a huge cloud of darkness because anger is dark energy based in fear.

On the other hand, if you are sending blessings to people and appreciating the individuals in your life, and thinking how blessed you are, you will radiate that energy out to the universe and it will attract more of the same energy of blessings and appreciation. It also will grow larger and larger as it collects the same energy and it will create a massive halo over you of light and goodness. So which would you prefer hanging over your head?

I feel sure you’d rather have love hanging over you than fear, but perhaps you find it hard to feel love or be love. In order to receive love you have to give love, so how do you do this in such a fear-based world?

It requires a big shift on your part, shifting you from negative thoughts to positive thoughts. It’s not an easy task since you’ve been programmed from fear all of your life, making much of your foundation negative. So the key for you is to step out of that old programming and create something new.

Your first step will be to pay attention to what you are saying, because your words were first thoughts, and your thinking is where the change has to take place. Listen to what you think about all day. Think about the words you speak. Are they thoughts and words that are loving, or are you judging, gossiping, criticizing, complaining, and feeling frustrated throughout your day? Here is your point of origin, for in order to change your life from fear-based to love-based, you have to change your thinking.

Like so many things, being able to give love is an internal job. Love isn’t about doing or saying; it’s about being. You cannot give what you do not have. So in order to give love, you have to be love. How can you be love?

You must love yourself before all else. Remember, you cannot give what you do not have! So in order to give love you must love yourself unconditionally just as you are. But many individuals don’t feel too good about themselves and suffer from low self-worth, something taught them through their programming, the “not enough syndrome” of: not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not wealthy enough; not able enough. So you find it difficult to value yourself or even love yourself because you feel defective.

However, every one of you is a priceless, unique, one-of-a-kind masterpiece worthy of all good. All of you are part of the same energy of the universe and were created from the essence of love. Love is your birthright and what you are made of, but when entering this world it is forgotten, and fear reigns.

Your task then is to return to your essence of love and create a life from that base, accepting your inborn power to create what you want and be the love. It will mean you must let go of all the old programming that says you are defective and have limits so that you can remember the love from whence you came.

How can you love yourself? Accept yourself as a perfect specimen of creation, born with the power to create the life you want. Appreciate who you are and all the gifts inside of you. Operate your life from a base of gratitude for everything, even the challenges. Practice forgiveness. Flow with life and whatever it brings you; quit resisting. Look for the opportunities in any challenge. Always help others.

Who do you gravitate to – the person with a scowl on their face and daggers darting from their eyes, or the individual who is smiling at you with sparkling, inviting eyes? Your answer is obvious. So it’s up to you to become the person wearing a beautiful, inviting smile that emanates from a heart filled with love. By being this individual, you can then attract the same unto you. Love is the only thing that ever heals, and it’s who you truly are in the first place.

If the harvest you dream of gathering for your life includes all the expressions of love, then begin today, right now, to shift your entire internal dialogue from a negative fear-based mindset to a positive, filled-with-love thinking. As you do this, you will gather the most amazing harvest of love!

Carolyn Porter, D. Div., is an internationally known speaker, author of multiple books, eBooks and audios that include “Angel Love”, “Healing with Color,” “Toxic America” and “Adrenal Fatigue: the Missing Pieces of Your Puzzle,” spiritual wholeness coach, trainer and angel channel whose passion is helping individuals move beyond their limitations and help them see they can do and be what they can envision. She is the owner of Where Miracles Happen Quantum Healing & Empowerment Center in Cumming, GA. For more information on her services, books and products,please visit her website at

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Religion and The Law of Attraction
By Christina T Moore

The Law of Attraction works if you believe in God or not. It works no matter who you believe God is. For some who follow The LOA, the Universe and all that is in it is God. The Divine energy is all things and has created all things and through this energy we continue to create and expand this force. There is no death or birth of a soul but a transition to and from physical. We can never be separated from this Divine force as we are small fragments of it, holographic images of the whole. There is no punishment, hell or damnation. There is no need for salvation from sin as we were born perfect and this world is perfect as it is.

That is a lot to digest if you are from a religious background. There is one divine source from which we all come. This source is the glue that binds us all together. It is the space that fills the Universe. It is the informational conduit that communicates to our souls. No matter what your religious preference is the energies around us are the mechanical cogs that get things done. This energy is how ‘God’ moves objects and circumstances to accomplish what needs to be accomplished. All of these processes are on autopilot. They coordinate across the vast expanse of space and time to bend to our will.

Sounds pretty amazing doesn’t it? We set the events in our lives on their mark and let them go. You can keep your faith, but you must accept the responsibility for most of what happens to you. Your choice of thoughts direct the circumstances in your life. Have your faith in God, that’s wonderful, but try to grasp this concept with the eyes of a child; God is Love. Nothing else exists but Love, when you witness anything other than that, it is merely resistance to Love. Let go of the resistance and Love will bring the situation power. Lets look at it from a scientific stand point.

When you apply strong emotion to imagination it produces electrical and magnetic potential that runs through our bodies and moves within the fluids across the membranes of our cells.

This process creates a vibrational signature that moves out of the body into the environment.

(1) Professor Hans Jenny explains that the higher the frequency of vibration, which is generated by pleasant emotions, the greater the environmental influence. Not just within the proximal location where you stand but simultaneously through the universe as a whole.

This feeling you have just produced effects other energies, cells, and DNA everywhere that has the same vibrational signature.

This amazing process, in my opinion, proves that there is a God. Who his is to you is up to you and what you are able to understand. When you are ready to grow the information will come.

(1) According to Hans Jenny, professor at Berkeley 1936, where he contributed his book, “Factors of Soil Formation” (1941). One of many articles can be found at;

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