Quantum Physics and Law of Attraction – What Is the Link?
Quantum Physics and Law of Attraction – What Is the Link?By Harald Reno If you have heard of the law of attraction chances are that you have come across mentions of Quantum physics as well. At first impression, these two…
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Do You Seek Job Fulfillment?
Do You Seek Job Fulfillment? By Chris Chancey I believe that God created the world. Though the time-frame in which this feat occurred is not vital to the discussion at hand, the fact that the creative process can be classified…
Universal Mind And The Power Within You
Universal Mind And The Power Within YouBy Ben D Anderson We are all connected within one universal mind. Each of us is a bundle of energy linked to an infinite source of universal energy. We all come from this same energy…
Total Recall of Who We Are: Stop Thinking and Start Being
Total Recall of Who We Are: Stop Thinking and Start Being By Dr. Robert Puff There is a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger called Total Recall. A large part of the movie revolves around Arnold’s character discovering who he really is. We…
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Getting Unstuck When the Head and the Heart Disagree
Getting Unstuck When the Head and the Heart Disagree By Ronda LaRue The anxiety of being faced with a crossroad in life where a next decision must be made in order to move forward from this stopped, stuck place, is…
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Spiritual Question And Your Journey Into Knowing Yourself
Spiritual Question And Your Journey Into Knowing YourselfBy Adonis Alexander Is it possible to extinguish the ego in order to make progress on your spiritual journey? For such a question, may I ask, why do you want to extinguish the…
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Triumphant Living – The Seven Secrets
Triumphant Living – The Seven Secrets By Linda Marie Prejean Activate the Law of Attraction by following important life’s secrets. Ariel Ford’s latest book Wabi Sabi Love, tells about the ancient Japanese tradition which honors all things, including the old,…
What Happens During Spiritual Enlightenment: You Are the Ocean, Not the Lotus Flower
What Happens During Spiritual Enlightenment: You Are the Ocean, Not the Lotus Flower By Dr. R. Puff As we journey toward the path of enlightenment, what can we expect to happen in our lives? What can we expect to happen…
Anatta “Not Self”
Anatta “Not Self” By Shelton Ranasinghe Anatta Just like Einstein discovered the general theory of relativity, over 2000 years ago the Buddha disclosed the “No Self” concept. This is remarkably an extra ordinary discovery. The people at that time did…
Crown Chakra Meditation Exercise
Crown Chakra Meditation Exercise By Jessica Tanner The Crown Chakra The crown chakra is our seventh chakra in the kundalini system. This chakra is placed at the top of our head and is our connection to the Divine, our Higher…
Law Of Attraction: Your Reality Mirrors What Is Within
Law Of Attraction: Your Reality Mirrors What Is Within By Wenny Yap Please don’t be mistaken! It is not the law of attraction that is attracting all you want into your life but the power of your goal-seeking mind. If…
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The Reason You Are Alive and What That Has To Do With Meaning and Happiness
The Reason You Are Alive and What That Has To Do With Meaning and Happiness By Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk You have asked “Why am I alive?” in one form or another. The answer has to do with what you…
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What Is The Link Between Guided Imagery, Your Intellect, And Your Imagination?
What Is The Link Between Guided Imagery, Your Intellect, And Your Imagination? By Max Highstein Accessing the imagination is the key to creative problem solving, and it can also be very valuable in healing. The biggest limitation to using our…
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Role of Meditation in Relieving Stress
Role of Meditation in Relieving Stress By Chamunda Swami Ji Stress has become an unavoidable aspect of our lives. In fact, we all experience stress at some or the other point of life. Stress takes its toll, physically, mentally and…
How Enlightenment Resides In You
How Enlightenment Resides In YouBy Craig Villarrubia As I look back at my spiritual journey it is clear that my personal understanding of enlightenment has evolved. Early in my search I remember getting a glimpse of its promises through self-help and…