Tag Archive for: happiness

The Reason You Are Alive and What That Has To Do With Meaning and Happiness
By Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk

You have asked “Why am I alive?” in one form or another. The answer has to do with what you do with meaning and happiness.

Everyone wonders at some point in their lives, perhaps at several points in their lives, why they are alive. What am I doing here (on earth)?

Here is the answer, as I see it, in three words: expression, animation and manifestation. (That these three words rhyme is fortunate.)

We need to start with what many name God. Please drop all baggage you may be carrying that contains the term “God.”

Let me give a working definition of “God” here that we might start fresh. God is a Singularity. The Singularity. It may be said that God is the Universe – The Whole of It. The Entirety.

As such then God cannot do anything but be everything. God cannot be in relationship to anything else because there is nothing else. But by terms that we humans understand, being The Only means there can be no relationships.

Without relationships, entities cannot not define themselves. God cannot say “I am thus and you are such.” In God’s life there is no “such” because there is no other.

So we came into being, through the mind of God. (I believe it may be that there are other sentient beings in the Universe wherein God may be found as well. But we are dealing with humans only in this writing.)

What then is the reason we are alive? We are to be the expression, animation and manifestation of God. We give what we term as “life” to God. We can be in relationship to other things and beings.

Without our expression, God would be silent, eternally silent. But we can sing and dance and speechify and paint and write and sculpt. We can do all manner of benign and malignant things to declare our aliveness. By so doing we enliven God.

Because we have the largest mental capacity of any beings we know, we can genuinely say that we have the greatest range of animation possible as well. We can be the most alive of all the species on this earth.

By that I mean we can be the most diversified in terms of liveliness of all else upon this planet. In our dancing and speechifying, etc., we can give the widest range of possibilities. Because we have this potential it behooves us to demonstrate it as best we can.

We do not yet know the limits of our possibilities.

We are also the most manifesting creatures that we know. Because God is The Singularity, God cannot manifest, or be incarnate outside of Itself, for there is no “outside of Itself” when it comes to God.

But because we have the capacities of expression and animation, we can be the most manifesting creatures. We can make the most things and or experiences real, tangible, incarnate.

That is part of our job description – to make things and thoughts real. We can take the thoughts of God and make them “appear” within The Singularity.

Here are the reasons you are alive:

1. To be the expression of The Singularity.

2. To be the animation of The Singularity.

3. To be the manifestation of The Singularity.

What does this have to do with meaning and happiness?

When you make constant and deep connection with The Singularity, you plug into The Singularity. You realize your place within The Singularity. In that meld you find the meaning of your life. Expression, animation, manifestation all give you meaning. That meaning has a one word expression – happiness. To know your meaning is to know happiness.

You then show your happiness to yourself and to others by expressing yourself, animating who you are by actions in the world, and by manifesting what The Singularity is through your own life.

There you have the whole package: meaning, happiness, purpose.

You are alive to be what The Singularity cannot.

Get to it.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Robert_Henry_Schwenk




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How Enlightenment Resides In You
By Craig Villarrubia

As I look back at my spiritual journey it is clear that my personal understanding of enlightenment has evolved. Early in my search I remember getting a glimpse of its promises through self-help and spiritual texts. I associated enlightenment with visions, specialness, power and bliss. It was all very attractive to the ego. What better way to aggrandize oneself than to achieve enlightenment? Hence I became a spiritual “seeker.”

Like so many other ego ventures this one was designed to keep me in a trap. You see, as long as I identified myself as a “seeker” of enlightenment I would ensure that I never found enlightenment. In my search I read book after book. I listened to tape after tape and traveled from workshop to study program. I spent countless hours in meditation. All of which certainly evolved my spiritual experience (and arguably led me to an enlightened experience), but none of it really sealed the deal. I never felt as if I could walk with the fortitude that I had achieved enlightenment.

In my mind I had made up “enlightenment” to be a moment of time where I would be blessed with all knowledge. It was an achievement that would be awarded to me for all my good hard work. I thought “perhaps one day in the midst of meditation I would feel it.” I would tell myself “if I can just quiet my mind a little longer.” There were times when I convinced myself that I almost had it. “Happiness is so close” I told myself. The fatal error in all of this was that I placed enlightenment outside my reach and into the future. It was always something to work towards.

In Truth everyone is already enlightened. A lesson I would eventually learn along the way. In A Course in Miracles Jesus says it best “There is nothing about me that you cannot attain. I have nothing that does not come from God. The difference between us now is that I have nothing else. This leaves me in a state which is only potential in you.” Jesus was saying that his enlightenment is attainable to all of us at our choosing provided we relinquish what is not of God. Being a spiritual “seeker” is NOT of God, that was of the ego. In its attempt to hide the truth from me, the ego would have me believe that enlightenment (along with many other things) lived in a future place. But in fact, all visions, specialness, power and bliss is accessible to us right now.

That experiential discovery of Truth IS enlightenment. I don’t have to chase it. Simply allowing what is, exposes the Truth. There is no “road to enlightenment” since a road would imply separation and some kind of distance to be traveled. Enlightenment therefore can be better understood as the discovery of what already is (rather than an accomplishment.) It’s not a destination where all my problems are solved but rather a shift in viewpoint where I can see that there are no problems. Identification shifts from the “little me” called Craig to Oneness and connectivity to all. I’ve come to realize an infinite extension of awareness rests in presence for everyone’s exploration, enjoyment and discovery.

There is no need to suffer. Discover the peace and joy that’s yours. If you’re inspired by spiritual growth and self development visit me at http://www.craigvillarrubia.com On my site you’ll find FREE articles, videos and podcasts that serve as a resource to spiritual enlightenment. You can also join me on Facebook for daily quotes and updates at http://www.facebook.com/craigvillarrubia

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Craig_Villarrubia




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The Dream and The Separation
By Gary Greenbank

The Dream

You have probably heard the saying ‘we are all one’. You may feel this to be true and have even had experiences in your life where you felt this connected energy. Why then do we all feel so separate from each other most of the time? What causes this separation and fear between people which results in everything from simple arguments and road rage through to racism, murder and even war?

What would you say if I shared with you that your life was actually a Dream, a complex illusion. At this stage your response may be that you’ve always felt this to be true. Or you may feel that I’m crazy. Some of you will be at a stage of life where you are open to this idea as a possibility and are prepared to withhold judgement. How about if I added that this Dream was taking place in the mind of a Supreme Being. Let me now go further. This Supreme Being, who is having the Dream, is actually YOU. In reality it is also me and everyone you see around you. In other words we are all this Supreme Being that is having this Dream and in this life we are simply a character in our own Dream. This Supreme Being is perfect and complete and this Dream is a way of feeling the feelings of NOT being perfect.

You, at your Higher Self level, are perfect and complete. YOU, as your HIGHER SELF are the SUPREME BEING, CONSCIOUSNESS, the CREATOR. If it suits your beliefs you could say that you, at the level of your Higher Self, are GOD. You are experiencing your life entirely in the mind of your Higher Self. So you and everything thing around you has been created by you at the level of your Higher Self in a Dream.

At the beginning of your life, in what I call The Separation, you are given judgement which is the mechanism that helps to keep you separate from others. At ‘birth’ you forget who you really are and begin having experiences that make you feel limited and incomplete. All this is designed to let you experience life, and everything you experience is designed to support you in living your life purpose. Your role, as a character in this Dream, is to experience feelings for yourself as the Supreme Being which is who you truly are. At some stage, when you are ready, you can begin to question reality and this feeling of being lacking and incomplete. This is the beginning of your journey back; where you begin to slowly understand the reality of the Dream.

When you see the Dream for the illusion that it is it ceases to have the same effects on you. People and things that have been affecting your life begin to lose their power. You begin to understand that we are all one. This is the beginning of reclaiming power in your life and thereby changing your Dream. This will then bring more happiness, joy and unconditional love into your life each day. Seeing life for what it actually is causes a feeling of lightness and even laughter and is no longer a cause of fear. If you are reading this you are more than likely ready for the journey back.

Click here to download a free copy of my eBook.

Visit http://www.theseparation.com for more thought provoking articles on spiritual development.

Gary Greenbank

� 2011, All Rights Reserved

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_Greenbank

Tag Archive for: happiness

Mary Baker Eddy (July 16, 1821 – December 3, 1910) was the founder of the Christian Science religion. Her works include:

English: Public Domain Image of Mary Baker Eddy

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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, The Christian Science Journal (1883), The Christian Science Sentinel (1898), The Herald of Christian Science (1903),  The Christian Science Monitor (1908).

After a fall in Lynn, Massachusetts caused a spinal injury in February 1866, Eddy turned to Matthew 9:2 in the Bible and recovered unexpectedly. Although she filed a claim for money from the city of Lynn for her injury on the grounds that she was “still suffering from the effects of that fall,” she later withdrew the lawsuit. Eddy’s attending physician Alvin M. Cushing, a homeopath, testified under oath that he “did not at any time declare, or believe, that there was no hope for Mrs. Patterson’s recovery, or that she was in critical condition.”

She devoted the next three years of her life to Biblical study and what she considered the discovery of Christian Science. In her autobiography, Retrospection and Introspection, Eddy writes “I then withdrew from society about three years,–to ponder my mission, to search the Scriptures, to find the Science of Mind that should take the things of God and show them to the creature, and reveal the great curative Principle, –Deity.”

Convinced by her own study of the Bible, especially Genesis 1, and through experimentation, Eddy claimed to have found healing power through a higher sense of God as Spirit and man as God’s spiritual “image and likeness.” She became convinced that illness could be healed through an awakened thought brought about by a clearer perception of God and the explicit rejection of drugs, hygiene and medicine based upon the observation that Jesus did not use these methods for healing:

It is plain that God does not employ drugs or hygiene, nor provide them for human use; else Jesus would have recommended and employed them in his healing. … The tender word and Christian encouragement of an invalid, pitiful patience with his fears and the removal of them, are better than hecatombs of gushing theories, stereotyped borrowed speeches, and the doling of arguments, which are but so many parodies on legitimate Christian Science, aflame with divine Love. (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, 143:5, 367:3)

She eventually called this spiritual perception the operation of the Christ Truth on human consciousness.

Claiming to have first healed herself and then others, and having learned from these experiences, Eddy felt anyone could perceive what she called “the Kingdom of Heaven” or spiritual reality on earth. For her, this healing method was based on scientific principles and could be taught to others. This positive rule of healing, she taught, resulted from a new understanding of God as infinite Spirit beyond the limitations of the material senses.

Some of Marry Baker Eddy noted Quotes (Wisdom):

“Happiness is spiritual, born of Truth and Love. It is unselfish; therefore it cannot exist alone, but requires all mankind to share it.”
“Health is not a condition of matter, but of Mind.”
“Error is a supposition that pleasure and pain, that intelligence, substance, life, are existent in matter. Error is neither Mind nor one of Mind’s faculties. Error is the contradiction of Truth. Error is a belief without understanding. Error is unreal because untrue. It is that which stemma to be and is not. If error were true, its truth would be error, and we should have a self-evident absurdity /namely, erroneous truth. Thus we should continue to lose the standard of Truth.”
“Give up the belief that mind is, even temporarily, compressed within the skull, and you will quickly become more manly or womanly. You will understand yourself and your Maker better than before.”

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