How to Get What You Want – Christianity Vs The Law of Attraction

Stained glass at St John the Baptist's Anglica...

How to Get What You Want – Christianity Vs The Law of Attraction
By Robert David Fraser

I have recently been learning a lot lately about the law of attraction. I’ve talked to a few people and as soon as I mention the law of attraction, they cut me off and tell me that they are a Born Again Christian. I was thinking about that the past few days and had a little internal struggle with that.

This morning it did finally hit me! The law of attraction and Christianity are in essence the same thing. The Christian faith is based on that, faith. The law of attraction is that you attract what you are.

If you are a faithful person, you will attract events, circumstances, and events that will cause you to be more faithful. If you are a negative person, you will attract events, circumstances, and events that will cause you to be more negative. If you are a happy person, you will attract events, circumstances, and events that will cause you to be more happy. I think by now you get the picture.

If you have faith as much as a grain of mustard seed (which is a really small seed) you can move mountains. I’m sure you recognize that verse as I am paraphrasing for the sake of time. That means if you have just a little faith, you can do anything. The law of attraction says that you attract things in your life from your vibrations or thoughts.

Having faith filled thoughts will cause you to be happier and have a higher vibration, which will bring things into your life faster. The bible also states that whatever you ask for, in faith believing, you will receive. It’s just as simple as that.

Ask for what you want, believe that you have received it, and be thankful. Now keep in mind that what you are asking for has to be something that will provide real world value and benefit mankind. Having a nice new watch on your wrist or a brand new car is hardly something of the sort. A character trait, happier marriage, discipline in finances, and things similar will provide far more benefit.

The law of attraction is basically a part of Christianity. It is simply your faith in action. If you really want to think outside the box, you can call it God’s automated answer to prayers. If you pray about something worthwhile and truly believe that you have received it, then you will get it.

This is something that will happen as fast or as slow as you believe that it can happen for you. We all struggle sometimes with our faith and it is one of the most basic, yet deep core beliefs and virtues to have. Continue working everyday to build your faith and you will find that by doing so, you will get what you want.

For more information on living the life you truly want to live and doing what it is that you feel like you were put on this earth to do, visit my blog at

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How to Come Home to Your Self

Osho („Rajneesh“ Chandra Mohan Jain)

Image via Wikipedia

By Jafree Ozwald

“Drop the idea of becoming someone, because you are already a masterpiece. You cannot be improved. You have only to come to it, to know it, to realize it. God has created you; you cannot be improved.” ~ Osho

Deep inside each of us is a place we can call our true “home”. It’s a resting ground, where the world has no power to sway you in any direction. You are rooted and relaxed in a sweet sacred connection with the Divine. When you deeply relax into your body, letting go of all the cares and worries of this world, you discover this awesome experience of coming home to your Self. You are no longer split, unable to make decisions, living in fear, or worried about anything anymore. There is a feeling and understanding that you are connecting with the God Source, each and every moment of your day.

When you let go of all your efforting to change yourself, and surrender deeply to what you might call the “light inside your heart”, you soon discover a feeling of Oneness with everything. You stop fighting reality and begin merging with it. All your inner conflicts become resolved, which means there is no outer conflict anymore. It’s good to know that the inner turmoil inside you is just the ego believing you are not 100% perfect just the way you are. It only sees what is wrong, what needs to be improved, and is relentless about its path of being right. It thinks that everything needs to change in order so that you can be happy.

The greater truth is that happiness is available no matter what your outer world looks like. It is a choice to come home to yourself. There is a Divine Intelligence behind everything and when you relax and come home to it, a state of perpetual joy finds you. This intelligence knows exactly what challenges you need in this lifetime so that you go beyond the perpetually unhappy ego. The God Source is doing everything to push you to dive deeper within yourself so that you transcend this ego and discover the infinite aspect of your being. Whatever physical, emotional, or mental problems that you’re facing, they are all springboards to enlightenment. Each one contains the right amount of fuel to propel you into the core of your being, where you discover the most sacred source of existence.

This warm cozy nest I call your “inner home” is found inside your heart. This sacred place can only be found through total surrender to existence. When the ego lets go, there is no room for suffering and the divine is instantly experienced. As long as you are following your thoughts, believing them to be real, you cannot find Reality. While the mind/ego is running the show, the door to the divine remains closed. There is always a crack open, and you can find it when you put 100% of your energy into trust. When you know the Universe never makes mistakes, and that everything is exactly as it should be, your body relaxes and this sacred home within you is found. I believe there is an old saying that says, “home is where the heart is”. I think we could rephrase it by saying, “the heart is where the home is”.

Just for this week, I invite you to do a little experiment. Whenever you’re not busy, whether you’re waiting in line at the store, or perhaps in stuck in traffic, let your attention rest on your heart center. Say to yourself, “This heart is my home” and relax into it. Don’t try to relax, just let go of everything in your head and let yourself be taken in by the heart. It is welcoming you with open arms, ready to receive all of you. Even those parts you don’t approve of about yourself, these are also welcome. Simply spend as much time as you can each day relaxing deeper and deeper into your heart. Don’t make it a project or a big “have to” out of it, just do it whenever you can remember to. The secret here is being open to a new experience of yourself, that is gentle, loving and filled with peace in the most intimate ways.

When the heart is fully relaxed, the lights turn on in this divine home within your being. There is no greater refuge to be found. If you wanted to find heaven on Earth, this would be it. By living from this space, there is nothing you cannot accomplish or manifest. There is no task too big for you to handle. Yet, the feeling of peace within you is soooo amazing that most of your ego’s yearnings simply fade away. You discover a source of unfathomable bliss within you that cannot be taken away by any situation or circumstances. You end up falling in love with your Self, this world and everybody in it. You feel like you are at home wherever you are.

“A new type of thinking is essential if mankind is to survive and move on to higher levels.” ~Albert Einstein

About The Author:
Jafree Ozwald has been a personal life coach since 1997 and has created success for tens of thousands of people from all over the world.

Learn how to shift your experience of life so that you are manifesting everything that your heart desires. Receive an entire toolbox of manifesting meditations, enlightening techniques and exercises that show you exactly how to create the life of your dreams. All of this (and much more) can be instantly downloaded in our Super Manifesting Program!! We guarantee you will discover how blissful your life truly is by following this amazing online program for the next 3 months of your life!

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The 3 Steps to Knowing Yourself As God

OIMR picture

Image via Wikipedia

By Jafree Ozwald

One of highest experiences you can have in your lifetime is to know yourself as the Divine. When you let go of all fear, drop every judgment you have, release all those opinions about yourself and others, you stop believing you are separate from God. You can discover a place of sacred refuge within that is like no other. It’s only your mind that makes you think you’re separate, when in reality you’re one with the ocean of existence. It’s not until you realize that you are not this mind, nor your ego, that this false identity ceases to run the show. You’ve created this idea about who you are, yet its just a conglomerate of thoughts and is not who you truly are. Once you drop all separation, only then can you let go and find true permanent peace within.

Some people may say its blasphemous to see yourself as God, yet I say it’s totally ridiculous not to. The cause of all suffering in life stems from the one tiny little idea that you are separate from the God Source. When this belief is truly challenged and you relieve its grip on you, there is such a tremendous freedom and love found that you’ll never ever be the same again. I invite you to sit with this challenge this week, if you truly want to be free from all the suffering in your life.

Below are the 3 essential steps we all must take to step out of suffering and find total unification with the God Source.

1. Deeply accept that there is a highly intelligent conscious creative source of energy that runs through everything. God actually exists. It is like one thread weaving through the entire tapestry of life. There is nothing that is not touched by this divine intelligence.

2. Know that I am connected to the God Source from which all manifestation happens. In an infinite field of space (the Universe) each point in that field is the actual “center” of the entire field. You are one of these points from which the entire Universe revolves around. Every thought you think radiates outward, creating your experience of Reality in this infinite space time continuum.

3. Realize that everyone and everything is the God Source. There is nobody who is not connected to God. How can the finger ever work separately from the hand? All beings have this divine thread of intelligence running through their consciousness. No matter how unconscious they are, it still exists within each living cell. Once you realize that the God Self that you are, is also the same God Self in everyone else, you stop perceiving yourself as separate and see them as an aspect of the Real You!

So the really big question here is what can you do to drop your ego? Well, this is a tricky one because there is nothing you can “do”. Its more of an un-doing and a releasing of everything when the ego is finally freed. It is only through total surrender to Source that the Divine finds you. The ego is simply an over-identification with the “I” thoughts. Those thoughts that say, “I am this” or “I am not that” create the entire ego trip. When you get hooked into believing “I am this or not that”, you are creating attachment to limiting ideas and instigating the entire ego and your suffering. The truth is that you are nothing and everything, because you are God and that which is beyond God. It’s really that profound and that simple.

Some people ask me, “What’s the difference between my mind and my ego?” Not much, its just that your ego is a personification of your mind. The mind gets attached to ideas and makes you identified with them. This creates the ego. When you are thinking that you are this body, and you have these problems, these feeling, and these thoughts you start becoming identified. The only way to know yourself as God is to become unidentified with everything and also know you are ONE with everything at the same time. This realization cannot be forced yet happens instantaneously when you drop deep enough into the exploration of the Truth of who/what you are.

“God is there only if you surrender. Surrender makes anything God. Surrender gives you the eyes, and everything that is brought to these eyes becomes Divine.” ~Osho

We all grow up as kids starting off with an ego so that later in life we can transcend it. That is the goal. When you believe you are separate and disconnected from a divine all loving infinite Source and think there is no connection at all, you are only seeing one side of the coin. Try all three sides of the coin (the edge is a side) and you’ll see suffering instantly evaporates. We are each supposed to believe in limitation, lack and struggle just so that we can one day drop it all. This is the purpose of believing in any lie. When you create the illusion that you are stuck, separate, challenged and disconnected from the infinitely conscious loving God Source, the day you return back to it you receive the greatest spiritual experience of your life! Divine unification on the deepest levels wouldn’t be possible without the illusion and experience of having an ego.

There is really nothing to worry about. The Universe gives you an infinite number of lifetimes to wake up and realize you are already a powerful divine exquisite being who is the creative God Source at the core. The Universe is infinitely patient with the speed of your realization progress. You don’t need to “push” yourself to get there. All you want to do relax, be still, and show up fully in this moment. Be 100% open to whatever is here now. The key is to practice looking within the quietest aspects of your being, there you will find God. This is the only place where a real permanent state of happiness resides. It is where all success and enlightenment is found. Finding this real uncompromised unconditional happiness 24 hours a day is the main goal of your life and why you are truly here.

“Life is a mystery to be lived, not a problem to be solved.” ~Osho

It’s good to know that life will always throw a curve ball at you to keep you alert and awake. The mind is a slippery trickster, in that it can hide from the truth and create all sorts of fabricated illusions about what Truth is, without really surrendering to what is here now. It’s this untamed mind that creates all the extra difficulty you’re experiencing in life. It can make you think that if you are not the master, that you are a slave to its ideas. It may also think if you sat down to relax for a moment, you would miss your one and only golden opportunity to freedom that will never come your way again. Don’t listen to the mind. Don’t believe in anything that it thinks, for it lives in duality and will one day believe the opposite is true. Everything is subject to change. Only when you can tame the mind, and make it believe you are its master, then amazing and miraculous things will happen! You’ll find that the only true foundation in life is your simple soft loving sweet presence that arises from consciousness itself. This pure consciousness never changes, everything else changes. By simply bathing in pure consciousness, each moment becomes your golden ticket to return home.

Remember, whenever your ego behaves in a destructive way it is really trying to relieve you of its burden. Deep down the ego knows that it is not real, and that one day it will die and you’ll realize what a great sham was pulled over your eyes. When you leave the body and God Source takes you back home, this ego will be gone. Yet, you don’t have to wait…you can transcend the ego now with love. If anything is going to help you move forward on your soul’s journey, it’s bringing more presence, love and awareness to whatever you’re doing. When you become conscious of your ego-identity and can bring a loving awareness into it, you immediately dissolve it. You’ll feel the reconnection with the perfect Divine Being you already are and the ego has not chance against that.

About The Author:

Jafree Ozwald has been a personal life coach since 1997 and has created success for tens of thousands of people from all over the world.

If you’d like more support on your journey to journey to self-realization, sign up to receive Jafree’s personal Enlightened Messages for your Soul. These enlightening emails will continually remind you how and where to look within to discover this divine aspect of your being. They’ll help you to relieve yourself from any tension you have inside that may be blocking you from resting deeply and knowing yourself as the Source. And right now, you’ll receive an entire year of enlightened messages with a FREE guided audio meditation at a special discounted price!! Enjoy!

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