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How to Get What You Want – Christianity Vs The Law of Attraction
By Robert David Fraser
I have recently been learning a lot lately about the law of attraction. I’ve talked to a few people and as soon as I mention the law of attraction, they cut me off and tell me that they are a Born Again Christian. I was thinking about that the past few days and had a little internal struggle with that.
This morning it did finally hit me! The law of attraction and Christianity are in essence the same thing. The Christian faith is based on that, faith. The law of attraction is that you attract what you are.
If you are a faithful person, you will attract events, circumstances, and events that will cause you to be more faithful. If you are a negative person, you will attract events, circumstances, and events that will cause you to be more negative. If you are a happy person, you will attract events, circumstances, and events that will cause you to be more happy. I think by now you get the picture.
If you have faith as much as a grain of mustard seed (which is a really small seed) you can move mountains. I’m sure you recognize that verse as I am paraphrasing for the sake of time. That means if you have just a little faith, you can do anything. The law of attraction says that you attract things in your life from your vibrations or thoughts.
Having faith filled thoughts will cause you to be happier and have a higher vibration, which will bring things into your life faster. The bible also states that whatever you ask for, in faith believing, you will receive. It’s just as simple as that.
Ask for what you want, believe that you have received it, and be thankful. Now keep in mind that what you are asking for has to be something that will provide real world value and benefit mankind. Having a nice new watch on your wrist or a brand new car is hardly something of the sort. A character trait, happier marriage, discipline in finances, and things similar will provide far more benefit.
The law of attraction is basically a part of Christianity. It is simply your faith in action. If you really want to think outside the box, you can call it God’s automated answer to prayers. If you pray about something worthwhile and truly believe that you have received it, then you will get it.
This is something that will happen as fast or as slow as you believe that it can happen for you. We all struggle sometimes with our faith and it is one of the most basic, yet deep core beliefs and virtues to have. Continue working everyday to build your faith and you will find that by doing so, you will get what you want.
For more information on living the life you truly want to live and doing what it is that you feel like you were put on this earth to do, visit my blog at http://work-with-rob.com/work-with-rob
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Robert_David_Fraser