Spiritual Question And Your Journey Into Knowing Yourself

Spiritual Question And Your Journey Into Knowing Yourself
By Adonis Alexander

Is it possible to extinguish the ego in order to make progress on your spiritual journey?

For such a question, may I ask, why do you want to extinguish the ego? Do you see its destructive nature and that is why you are wondering? Have you watched its every movement in your daily activities that you can see its limitations and absurdities?

All this has to be observed without the slightest desire to get rid of the ego at all. As long as you are interested in extinguishing the ego-self, the mind as thought wants to continue. The desire to end the ego is the ego and is its game of continuity.

So, it is not about getting rid of the ego but seeing the ego for what it is. This is a movement of the mind as thought. This ego, this thinker, is a movement of thought. To be free of the ego, the ‘I’, cannot attempt to end it. It is the continuous trick of the mind.

As long as ones thoughts, which are disorder, confusion, and chaos, is the whole of ones consciousness, you cannot see, clearly. To see is vital to living a holistic life of love and happiness. Ego is the denial of happiness.

You cannot go beyond the limitations of mind as ego and discover if there is anything beyond it. Simply, because you are being blinded by the mind. When at once you can get a glimpse of this ego for what it is, perhaps you can understand it.

Not try to get rid of it. The very understanding of it, you transcend its limitations. However, to try to end it yourself, that is like a cat chasing its own tail not knowing it is her own self. You cannot get rid of the ego because; you are the ego-self.

So, we do not get rid of the ego but understand it for what it is. Seeing that it is the movement of the mind we may shed light on it. The light of seeing ends it.

To see that it is a thing of change, the mind is movement and time, we understand it is illusory. That which changes cannot be real. Yet, we identify ourselves as being the ego-self. A false thing!

Realize in truth, you are not the ego-self, which alone is such a beautiful, joyous thing to understand.

Now, when at once you see the ego as a false thing, what becomes of you? Surely, that is the dissolution of ego without any form of effort. The very seeing of this fact is a movement of freedom.

When at once you truly see what you are not, the realization of what you truly are awakens in you. Then there is nothing any one can say to you. The eternal joy is just there. Is this really something you would love to realize within yourself?

To receive additional FREE insights by spiritual teacher, Adonis Alexander, to change your life, go to his website: http://www.adonisalexander.org

Or, you may purchase his spiritual book, Secret Sayings Of Adonis

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Adonis_Alexander




Triumphant Living – The Seven Secrets


Triumphant Living – The Seven Secrets


By Linda Marie Prejean


Activate the Law of Attraction by following important life’s secrets. Ariel Ford’s latest book Wabi Sabi Love, tells about the ancient Japanese tradition which honors all things, including the old, the worn, and the imperfect. For example, if a treasured vase had a crack down the middle, a Japanese museum would place it on a pedestal and shine a spotlight on it.


We can value the cracks in ourselves and our relations in the same way.


A secret, as defined by Webster, is something hidden, kept from view, not acknowledged, or revealed only to the initiated.


This year is already revealing secrets for the ‘initiated’ – those of us inducted into life’s membership through trial by fire. One is in the lesson of learning to accept imperfection, whether in things, circumstances, or people.


My mother was known for her needlework and her beautiful knitting. I would watch as her fingers, bent and knobby from arthritis, would move with expert grace across soft rows of yarn, the steady rhythm of clicking needles forming a sweater for me. Just before getting to the end, she would rip it all apart and start over. I would protest, telling her it looked perfect to me. “No,” she would reply. “I can see my mistake.”


Discovering the difference between what is to be celebrated, or what needs to change can be transformational and reflective of a new inner harmony. Secrets often lie in the paradox, the riddle, the mystery. Life holds many secrets, often missed. Here are just seven:


Secret #1: Gently, make room for imperfection, in people, or in yourself. Shine light on your circumstances with the beam of your acceptance. Psychologist, Carl Rogers says, “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”


Secret #2: Learn to live life through the senses, engaging life on its terms. Allow for life to speak to you. Take action on what is in front of you. Don’t look back with regret or self-doubt.


Secret #3: Become whole-brained, by learning to be ambidextrous. Practice using your non-dominant hand. Studies are showing great results for everything from diabetes, to possible prevention of the onset of Alzheimer’s to an overall improvement in the quality of life.


Secret #4: Change your life by mastering your emotions. A Chinese Proverb says: Control the emotions or they will control you. A little gland, the Amygdala in our brain, was for our protection from saber-toothed tigers. We still need to be able to sense danger, but anger is stealing your life. Learn to let go by controlling the noise inside your head. Learn how to be calm.


Secret #5: Take boredom to an art form. Become an expert at one thing and the results will pay dividends in delightful and unexpected opportunities. If you are bored, you already know a lot about something.


Secret #6: If you feel you have lost yourself in a relationship, or it’s become toxic, take a time-out, give yourself the gift of space. People report feeling like themselves again and wonder how they ever got so lost. Fresh and inspired thoughts for change will appear.


Secret #7: Redirect the energy behind your biggest fear, problem, or challenge and find a way to be grateful. Be consistent and watch for the evidence of this power.


Triumphant living is about getting started, doing your best and feeling good about yourself. Today, my mother might have used her knitting mistakes creatively with sequins, or a colorful patch to celebrate the imperfection. I’m sure I would have worn it with love – Wabi Sabi style.


Linda Prejean is a Life Coach with a Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, with many years working with women and men in transitional stages of life. Visit her website for articles and a multitude of videos with helpful take-away hints: http://www.mysecretdreamslifecoaching.com


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Linda_Marie_Prejean




What Happens During Spiritual Enlightenment: You Are the Ocean, Not the Lotus Flower

What Happens During Spiritual Enlightenment: You Are the Ocean, Not the Lotus Flower
By Dr. R. Puff

As we journey toward the path of enlightenment, what can we expect to happen in our lives? What can we expect to happen inside of us? In truth, there is nothing that we must do. Life just unfolds and we are merely the witness to this unfolding.

How do we live our lives if we’re seeking the path of awakening, in order to truly be awakened to who we are and to live an enlightened life? How are we to live our lives if we aren’t the doers of the living but merely the witness to this doing?

Embrace the Oneness of the Universe

At first, I wasn’t actually seeking enlightenment. I was raised in the American farm belt and had a normal, Christian background. There’s a strict duality in Christianity: Christ is the exemplar, someone who we strive toward and seek to emulate. We’re never going to be Christ, even though Christ Himself was in many ways a non-dualist. He said, “The Father and I are one. I can do nothing, except if the Father allows me to.” The Christian mystics came to the same conclusion as Jesus. When you read the writings of Julian of Norwich, one of my favorites, there is a sense of a non-separation from herself and God. I think many Christians are troubled by mysticism because it is far more non-dual. Even though I was familiar with the mystics, I still saw life as a constant journey until I was exposed to other types of non-dual thinking. I realized what is constant is that which always is, or the permanent. What is impermanent can’t be real because it changes.

Although in my meditations I had many experiences with the non-dual relationship with the universe, I didn’t apply it to my whole life. However, when my teacher said, “Embrace it. Be that,” within a matter of weeks something happened that allowed me to see the non-dual nature, the one-ness of all that is. People around the world seek enlightenment. I wasn’t even seeking it, yet I was blessed with an awakening.

It is inevitable that growth will occur, perhaps in this life, perhaps in the next, or when we die or are in heaven. We don’t know. What we do know is that we’re on this journey of discovery which is leading us to who we are. It’s natural and will happen, with or without our effort.

Flow with the Journey of Life

Why don’t we live a life far less concerned with finding enlightenment, but rather focused upon waking up and just living our lives? If we relax and just flow with life while trusting that where we’re headed is exactly where we’re supposed to be, two things can happen. First and foremost, we’ll live a beautiful life because we’ll just flow with it. When we don’t fight life, we enable this to happen. In living this life of freedom, we become free. Secondly, we may discover who we are. We may wake up, just like Jesus, Buddha, or Julian of Norwich did. When we discover our true permanent self, everything that is and everything that always has been is what we are. Life, then, can be love.

Imagine we are a lotus flower in a river. If we start floating toward the ocean, fighting the current will cause a lot of scrapes and scratches along the way. But if we just float, we’ll find that sometimes we stop, sometimes we hit a whirlpool, sometimes it’s a little rocky, but mostly we just float along until we arrive at the beautiful infinite ocean of who and what we are. We discover that the lotus flower which we thought we were was really just an illusion; who we truly are is the infinite ocean.

We have always been this ocean, but we forgot. Life is a journey of discovering who we are. It can be a wonderful, beautiful journey if we just flow with life and stop fighting it. Even when the fighting occurs inside of us, realize that it’s a conditioned response and if you don’t identify with it then you can relax and allow life to flow again.

Everything is Connected

The journey itself is not important. What’s really important is discovering the journey as part of the vast, infinite ocean. Everything is connected. Everything is not two, non-dual. When we reside in that, then we just flow with life and life truly becomes beautiful.

Open up and allow yourself to just be. Perhaps today you too will discover who you are, who you’ve always been, and who you will always be. You just have to let go of everything, including everything you have believed yourself to be. Just be – it’s really that simple. Everything resides in that being-ness. All there is, is. Be that.

Dr. R. Puff, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, author, international speaker, and meditation expert who has been counseling individuals, families, nonprofits, and businesses for over twenty years. A contributing writer to Psychology Today, he has authored numerous books, including Spiritual Enlightenment: Awakening to the Supreme Reality and creates a weekly podcasts and articles on enlightenment, spiritual enlightenment, nonduality, Advaita Vedanta at: http://www.EnlightenmentPodcast.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._R._Puff




Anatta “Not Self”

Anatta “Not Self”
By Shelton Ranasinghe


Just like Einstein discovered the general theory of relativity, over 2000 years ago the Buddha disclosed the “No Self” concept. This is remarkably an extra ordinary discovery. The people at that time did not know the function of the brain. Whether the Buddha understood the function of the brain is not known as there is no reference to the brain in his teachings. However through self evaluation of how the mind process works he disclosed this fact. The function of the brain was understood in the very recent time, about 300 years ago. The Buddha had thousands of disclosures during his life time. The discovery of “No Self” concept was so important to the Buddha that he prioritized this disclosure to be his second sermon and named it as Annattalakkhana-sutta. The “Anatta” (meaning “Not Self”) doctrine is presented through this sutta. This sutta very deeply explains the philosophical aspect of self. This specific topic of teaching stands out uniquely in the world of religions as all the other religions believe in a self or soul.

The Buddha explained that there is no personality as self or soul. What we experience as self is an illusion, imaginary mental projection, a false belief and non reality. The sense of self only seems solid, but this is in fact an illusion. The true nature is something else entirely. The man attains enlightenment only when he overcomes the delusion of self.

The doctrine of impersonality (Anatta) was very controversial even at the time of Buddha. It is complicated to understand though many books have been written by various scholars based on their understanding. The Buddha stated very clearly that “All ‘Dhammas’ are without self”. “Dhammas” include conditioned things (ex. Samkhara – mental elements and formations) as well as non-conditioned things (ex. Nirvana – State of enlightenment). Though the Buddha vehemently rejected the “soul” theory that was popular at his time, on various occasions he did not openly attack the other religious leaders who preached the soul theory. Attack was not the strategy of his mission. The dialogue Buddha had with disciple Ananda after being silent on the famous question asked by Vacchagotta on “Self”, is a well known recorded incident in Buddhist scriptures. In this particular dialogue the questions were directly associated with the two streams of definitions given for soul at that time. One stream was the belief in a permanent soul, transmigrating from one life period to another. The other was about the soul that only confined to the existing life period.

To explore the understanding of “Anatta”, it is good to know how the Buddha explained the two categories of truths. These were “Conventional truth” and “Ultimate truth”. In day-to-day life most of the things we perceive can be categorized as conventional truth. A few examples are following. We perceive our earth as flat. That is the conventional truth, but it is not really flat. We know that an atom is over 99% hollow, because the electrons circle around the nucleus of the atom are at vast distances compared to the size of the nucleus of the atom. We are made of atoms. Hence we must be over 99% hollow. But we do not define our body that way. White light is made of seven colors but we do not see them separately. Hence, there are conventional truths and ultimate truths as indicated. In everyday life we refer to both these streams for the purpose of understanding and explaining things. If people try to be absolutely specific or scientific in selecting words, we will run into problems in communicating to each other. The self exists as a conventional entity but not in the sense of ultimate truth. “Anatta” has to be evaluated in the context of the ultimate truth and if one tries to explain it in the context of conventional truth it would be a failure.

In all world religions other than in Buddhism, there is a clear belief of a soul that carries the ownership of self from one life to another. As explained in many religious scripts the soul gets punished or rewarded through its journey and is eligible to end up in the kingdom of God, in a place called heaven. In Hinduism the soul can end up in heavenly worlds and also it could be worked out to achieve “Moksha” which is defined as the freedom from the cycle of birth. A soul of a person who has achieved the state of Moksha is supposed to be joining the ultimate flux of energy after death where everything defined to have originated from. In great books of Hinduism, the subject of self is characterized in association with two facets of entities namely the “Nama” (Soul or Atman) and “Rupa” (body). Hindu teaching is very much like the Buddhist teachings in many respects and hence it is interesting to understand the marked difference between the two ideologies in respect to the definition of soul. In Hinduism the self can be explained around the following slogans: “You identify your body (nama), but you are not your body, your soul is the witness of your body; you identify your thoughts (rupa), but you are not your thoughts, your soul is the witness of your thoughts; you identify your emotions, you are not the emotions, your soul is the witness of your emotions”. As phrased above, the self or the soul is directly correlated to a witness with the “nama” and “rupa” concept. Buddha took a step further on this and explained that there is no “witness” either, to be defined as self. In other words there is no thinker of thoughts or a feeler of sensations or a receiver of reactions under the context of ultimate truth that was discussed earlier. Self is an illusion and a non-reality. At every moment there is a birth followed by a death and vice versa. Every instant is a momentary rebirth without a soul. The nature of this illusion is the crux of the Buddha doctrine disclosed by Annattalakkhana-sutta.

It is interesting to note that there are books written about out-of-body experiences. Leave alone the subject of out-of-body experience, if someone asks you to explain exactly where you are in a body (in-body), other than merely giving some references as an answer; there is no proper answer to come up with or to explain who you are. This is exactly what the Buddha pointed out by saying that self is an illusionary process that we have been fooled by. To explain this further, Buddha fragmented all elements which we perceive as self and pointed out that all those fragments are ever changing entities. Either none of them or any combination of them or all of them, can be defined as self as ascribed in soul theory. To explain what people believe as self, the Buddha talked about the five aggregates (Khandhas – piles). By talking about the five aggregates Buddha did not define self as the five aggregates but acknowledged that it is what people considered as self. The five aggregates are defined as form, feeling, perception, fabrication and consciousness. Buddha explained that either none of those aggregates or any combination of those or all of those does not constitute a self. The fragmentation study of self and the dynamism of our existence are further expounded by the Conditioned Genesis (Paticca-Samuppada) in Buddhist teachings. Conditioned Genesis is a law of conditionality based on the following formulation.

“When there is this, that comes to be.

With the arising of this, that arises

When there is not this, that does not come to be.

The ceasing of this, that ceases”

Buddha derived the following fragmented logic elements by applying “Paticca-Sampuppada” to the dynamism of our existence.

1. Conditioned by Ignorance, Intentional activities arise

2. Conditioned by Intentional activities rethinking Consciousness arises

3. Conditioned by Consciousness, Mind and matter arise

4. Conditioned by Mind and matter, the six fold base arises

5. Conditioned by the six fold base, Contact arises

6. Conditioned by Contact, Feeling arises

7. Conditioned by Feeling, Craving arises

8. Conditioned by Craving, Grasping arises

9. Conditioned by Grasping, Becoming arises

10. Conditioned by Becoming, Birth arises

11. Conditioned by Birth, aging, death, sorrow, pain, grief and despair arise.

This explains the process of all elements associated with life. It is to be considered as a cyclic process. Some scholars explain this formulation as cyclic as well as a complex interwoven network process. It touches the birth and death elements. It is a “cause and effect” theory. For example, say that you have craving to buy a luxury car. That craving, ultimately results in an arising of grief when you are unable to buy it. As long as you have the car in your mind the logical elements from 1 to 11 given above keep on forming as a cyclic stream. The simple meanings of the two Pali words in the context of the computer model discussed earlier translate as “Influences (Paticca) of Inputs (samuppada)”.

Buddhist scripture states – “The foolish man conceives the idea of self, the wise man sees there is no ground on which to build the idea of self. Acceptance of the truth of the impermanence of self and the world will therefore free a man from much suffering, if he only makes the effort”.

If self is an illusion, the question arises as to “who” gathers or receives the Karma or the resultant reactions (conventional merits and demerits associated with actions) associated in most of the eastern religions. The soul theory in Hinduism perfectly answers this question as it recognizes a transmigrating entity. Most Buddhists tend to grasp the soul theory inadvertently as a result of this. Acceptance of soul theory contradicts the Buddhist teaching. Buddha pointed out the in-validness of the above question. Because, since there is no self or soul, the word “who” does not bear any validity or meaning in the question of “who” gathers or receives the Karma. Because the question is not valid, an answer cannot be composed. Self is an illusion. This non-self theory puts a spin onto operational logic of rebirth and Karma concepts. Rebirth and Karma concepts existed prior to the Buddha era, and were integral parts of Hinduism, and became elements of Buddhist doctrine as well. However Buddha’s explanation of the Karma and rebirth theory is not soul based and shall be understood in that respect.

Shelton Ranasinghe

Author: Buddha Impetus to Primitive Psyche, Heaven at SETI’s Doorstep

Shelton Ranasinghe


B.Sc (Eng), C.Eng, P.Eng, MIMech E(London), MIE(Australia), FIE(Sri Lanka), ASME(USA)

Author of Buddha Impetus to Primitive Psyche and Heaven at SETI’s Doorstep

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shelton_Ranasinghe





Crown Chakra Meditation Exercise

Crown Chakra Meditation Exercise
By Jessica Tanner

The Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is our seventh chakra in the kundalini system. This chakra is placed at the top of our head and is our connection to the Divine, our Higher Self and our intuition, and it is therefore the most spiritual connected chakra we have, compared to the root, which is mostly connected to the earth and nature. The colour that is connected with this area is either purple or a bright white light.

Crown chakra meditation can help you reconnect with your Higher Self and be able to receive guidance and ideas from a more spiritual side of your being.

Crown Chakra Meditation

Turn off all electronic gadgets and find a quiet place and time with absolutely no disturbing elements. Sit in a way that is comfortable for you. Maybe you want to sit in the lotus posture, but if your are not that flexible, you may want to do the Seiza posture instead which is a kneeling position and can therefore be a lot more comfortable than having to sit cross-legged. You can also lighten some candles to set the mood and make you more focused on your meditation.

Close your eyes and direct your focus to your crown chakra area at the top of your head. Take a deep breath, and imagine that the inhaling air is entering your body through your crown.

Visualize it as a bright beam of light coming down from your Higher Self above you and penetrate your chakra. Feel the energy of the light. Breathe in this glowing light and guide the light down into your body filling every part of you. Exhale normally through your mouth and visualize the air that leaves your mouth as a drained and colourless wind.

Take another deep inhalation and take in more of the powerful light from above. This energy source that you can just tap in to and fill your physical body with its great energy whenever you need it.

Allow yourself to reconnect to your spirituality and to your Higher Self and intuition. Open this connection between the two parts of you and allow messages and ideas to flow with this beam of light and into your head. This is a great way to practice your intuition, which can be a great guide in life if we know how to listen to it. We will be able to know when we are making the right decisions by the way that we feel because something in us knows, what the outcome will be.

Do this for 15 minutes and then return to your day. Start by visualizing your crown chakra closing gently so that you won’t be vulnerable to other types of energy out there. Open your eyes and take a moment to feel the effect of the meditation and the energy that you have absorbed from the universe.

If you are seeking meditation exercises that can help you restore your energy level, you may also want to try Solar Plexus meditation, as this chakra is the location for energy, as well as other closely related characteristics.

Jessica T.
I am no meditation or yoga expert but I am simply interested in these things and I am just sharing the knowledge that I have about meditation in hopes of helping you with your meditation practice.
At my website, Meditation for Beginners, you can find different meditation techniques that you may want to try.
Learn more at: How to be a Hypnotist

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jessica_Tanner




Law Of Attraction: Your Reality Mirrors What Is Within

Law Of Attraction: Your Reality Mirrors What Is Within
By Wenny Yap

Please don’t be mistaken! It is not the law of attraction that is attracting all you want into your life but the power of your goal-seeking mind. If you have a clear understanding about this natural law of the Universe that almost everyone has taken for granted, you will believe that this statement is true.

The law of attraction had been laid down through the ages to conceptualize the conviction that “like attracts like” where positive and negative thinking bring about positive and negative physical results respectively. It partners with the most powerful creative force in the Universe… YOUR MIND! This partnership will do everything to create and attract all that you need and want as your reality. It turns you into a master manifestor. The truth of the matter is that you are already one because you do it every day!

The law of attraction is always at work in every aspect of your life, knowingly or unknowingly. Believe me when I tell you that everything currently existing in your life reflects back to you what is actually going on inside you. Your desire or fear, your dominant thoughts and feelings, they influence the images that you make inside your mind. Whatever you are aware of and whatever you focus on, you simply need to realize that your outer world is a reflection of your inner world.

The pictures you generate consciously, though often times unconsciously, are responsible for how you are creating your life. When you are focused on avoiding an unwanted situation or a bad thing, you are really creating that image in your mind. This is because your thoughts and emotions have been hijacked by your dire need to avoid them that your mind simply creates the image in your imagination as clear as day. As far as the law of attraction is concerned, if you are focusing on it so much you must really want it, right?

Looking onto the extreme opposite, you can consciously and deliberately attract a life of fulfillment by creating your feel good inner world. Although a positive thinker does not refuse to recognize the negative, you will refuse to dwell on it no matter what happens. Maintaining a positive mindset, you habitually look for the best results from the worst conditions. You know it is always possible to expect the best for yourself even though things look bad. Remarkably, if you are thinking positively and optimistic, your creative mind automatically responds with feel good imageries. Needless to say, your reality will mirror your new perspective.

“Reality is the mirror of your thoughts. Choose well what you put in front of the mirror.” ~ Ramez Sasson

Remember that nothing in the world created your disappointments and misery but your own state of consciousness that created the ugliness. People who do not fully comprehend the law of attraction may tell you, “Beware of the dangers of your thoughts!” However, firm believers of this natural law of the universe know the statement to be untrue. Your thoughts and emotions need not be your enemies at all.

Your inner state of consciousness is easier to control than what you perceive around you. It will be easier for your eliminate all the negativities from within you rather than from the outer world. Without doubt, the key is to rid the negative thoughts and emotions from your inner world. Continually dwelling in them breeds fear, sometimes paralyzing fear!

I freelance as a ghostwriter and I also write regularly to share my learning curves, thoughts and manifesting experiences with the Law of Attraction on my blog at “Inside My Bubble Today”. Come share my journey as we make this law of the Universe work for us together. You can download “You Can Do It Too!” e-book for FREE now and start your very own journey to attracting more abundance. Please feel free to visit The Journey of Living Deliberately at http://on.fb.me/q97C7L and share your valuable thoughts with everyone there.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wenny_Yap


The Reason You Are Alive and What That Has To Do With Meaning and Happiness

The Reason You Are Alive and What That Has To Do With Meaning and Happiness
By Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk

You have asked “Why am I alive?” in one form or another. The answer has to do with what you do with meaning and happiness.

Everyone wonders at some point in their lives, perhaps at several points in their lives, why they are alive. What am I doing here (on earth)?

Here is the answer, as I see it, in three words: expression, animation and manifestation. (That these three words rhyme is fortunate.)

We need to start with what many name God. Please drop all baggage you may be carrying that contains the term “God.”

Let me give a working definition of “God” here that we might start fresh. God is a Singularity. The Singularity. It may be said that God is the Universe – The Whole of It. The Entirety.

As such then God cannot do anything but be everything. God cannot be in relationship to anything else because there is nothing else. But by terms that we humans understand, being The Only means there can be no relationships.

Without relationships, entities cannot not define themselves. God cannot say “I am thus and you are such.” In God’s life there is no “such” because there is no other.

So we came into being, through the mind of God. (I believe it may be that there are other sentient beings in the Universe wherein God may be found as well. But we are dealing with humans only in this writing.)

What then is the reason we are alive? We are to be the expression, animation and manifestation of God. We give what we term as “life” to God. We can be in relationship to other things and beings.

Without our expression, God would be silent, eternally silent. But we can sing and dance and speechify and paint and write and sculpt. We can do all manner of benign and malignant things to declare our aliveness. By so doing we enliven God.

Because we have the largest mental capacity of any beings we know, we can genuinely say that we have the greatest range of animation possible as well. We can be the most alive of all the species on this earth.

By that I mean we can be the most diversified in terms of liveliness of all else upon this planet. In our dancing and speechifying, etc., we can give the widest range of possibilities. Because we have this potential it behooves us to demonstrate it as best we can.

We do not yet know the limits of our possibilities.

We are also the most manifesting creatures that we know. Because God is The Singularity, God cannot manifest, or be incarnate outside of Itself, for there is no “outside of Itself” when it comes to God.

But because we have the capacities of expression and animation, we can be the most manifesting creatures. We can make the most things and or experiences real, tangible, incarnate.

That is part of our job description – to make things and thoughts real. We can take the thoughts of God and make them “appear” within The Singularity.

Here are the reasons you are alive:

1. To be the expression of The Singularity.

2. To be the animation of The Singularity.

3. To be the manifestation of The Singularity.

What does this have to do with meaning and happiness?

When you make constant and deep connection with The Singularity, you plug into The Singularity. You realize your place within The Singularity. In that meld you find the meaning of your life. Expression, animation, manifestation all give you meaning. That meaning has a one word expression – happiness. To know your meaning is to know happiness.

You then show your happiness to yourself and to others by expressing yourself, animating who you are by actions in the world, and by manifesting what The Singularity is through your own life.

There you have the whole package: meaning, happiness, purpose.

You are alive to be what The Singularity cannot.

Get to it.

This has been Dr. Bob 4 U, and I invite you to change your life for the better by claiming your Free Instant Access to a Force-Source-Resource including a monthly newsletter titled The Force-Source-Resource Newsletter. Just Click Here Remember, one bit of information can give you a lifetime of satisfaction.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Robert_Henry_Schwenk




What Is The Link Between Guided Imagery, Your Intellect, And Your Imagination?


What Is The Link Between Guided Imagery, Your Intellect, And Your Imagination?
By Max Highstein

Accessing the imagination is the key to creative problem solving, and it can also be very valuable in healing. The biggest limitation to using our imagination creatively is the intellect. Guided imagery helps us to slip past the intellect and use our imagination to solve problems, work creatively, and heal from within.

The intellect is something like a small computer. It can take the data it has been fed, and come up with various combinations of that data, and feed it back. It’s helpful for doing things like filling out forms, balancing a check book, and telemarketing. The intellect can only play a small part when it comes to real creativity, and tapping into the rich inner resources we all carry with us. For that, we need imagination, and the inspiration to use it.

Most adults have a complicated relationship to our imagination. We have fun using it on the rare occasions we allow ourselves to. But at some point during childhood or adolescence we figured out that with the possible exception of the theater, society tends to frown upon “make believe” as a way of being in the world.

That tends to be anathema for the imagination, so we stop using it. At that point, the imagination gets relegated to a backseat in our consciousness, and the intellect pretty much takes over. We actually begin to devote inner resources to keeping the imagination in check, so it doesn’t leak out at inappropriate times. The farther we get from the natural state in which the imagination is used on an ongoing basis (childhood) the harder it becomes to access.

But in order to come up with new solutions to new problems, and in order to shift our attitude inside to one that’s most conducive to healing, the imagination is required. Suddenly, we’re trying to use something we’ve told ourselves to avoid, and we’re stuck. In general the more intellect-focused a person is, the harder time they will have using their imagination.

Guided imagery is a workaround for the problem. A typical guided meditation asks us to relax – to set aside the intellect for a while. The soothing voice and soft music in the background tend to create a sense of safety that lets the intellect quiet down a bit. The images suggested in a guided meditation program (a gentle breeze, clouds, a mountain stream, etc.) tend to be triggers for our imagination to take off.

Max Highstein is the author of a wide variety of guided imagery recordings appreciated by folks the world over for over 25 years. To enjoy samples and free examples, visit his web site The Healing Waterfall at this link for a guided meditation.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Max_Highstein




Role of Meditation in Relieving Stress

Falun Dafa, fifth exercise, meditation

Image via Wikipedia

Role of Meditation in Relieving Stress
By Chamunda Swami Ji

Stress has become an unavoidable aspect of our lives. In fact, we all experience stress at some or the other point of life. Stress takes its toll, physically, mentally and emotionally. Though a little amount of stress is beneficial, it becomes an affliction when it starts taking toll on our health. Since meditation provides both physical as well as mental relaxation, it’s a great way to relieve stress.

Meditation allows you to recharge, re-vitalize and re-energize your body mind and soul. In fact, meditation has an altogether opposite effect that stress does. Besides giving your mind a transparent outlook and a new viewpoint, meditation puts you in touch with the infinite power of the universe giving you access to everything you need.

While practicing meditation, your heart rate and breathing slows down, your blood pressure comes under control, and you make use of oxygen in a better way. Meditation allows you to focus silently so that your mind remains so busy concentrating on breathing and body form that you are left with no time to think about the factors that are causing you stress.

While meditating, you got to take care of certain things. The first thing you need to do is find a silent and peaceful space without any distractions, for meditating. Sit comfortably in an erect posture, with folded legs and closed eyes so that unwanted energy may leave through your feet and you remain undistracted.

Listen to your breath, imagine thoughts that would create rhythm with your breathing and console the mind.

Unlike other medical therapies, meditation offers no side effects. In fact, people with physical restrictions may find it easier to practice meditation for relieving stress instead of performing arduous physical exercise. Though a professional can guide you properly to learn the art of meditation, it could be learned by self- practice. However, it does take discipline and commitment.

Meditation takes you away from your busy life’s stresses and puts you in a quiet inner space of relief. Though some people may find it difficult to focus their attention regular practice will improve their abilities.

Do not expect instant results or any sort of miracles to happen. The benefits of meditation are wide-ranging and to reap the fruitful benefits of meditation one would require patience, determination as well as strong will power.

So, meditate regularly to reduce your stress level and keep your mind free from tension and worry.

Chamunda Swami Ji practicing spiritual healing in USA as well as in India. Swami Ji also conducts world tours of his spiritual seminar wherein he gives discourses on Meditation Techniques, Mantra and Tantra followed by a live question and answer session. – Indian Spiritual Healing

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chamunda_Swami_Ji