The Reason You Are Alive and What That Has To Do With Meaning and Happiness
By Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk

You have asked “Why am I alive?” in one form or another. The answer has to do with what you do with meaning and happiness.

Everyone wonders at some point in their lives, perhaps at several points in their lives, why they are alive. What am I doing here (on earth)?

Here is the answer, as I see it, in three words: expression, animation and manifestation. (That these three words rhyme is fortunate.)

We need to start with what many name God. Please drop all baggage you may be carrying that contains the term “God.”

Let me give a working definition of “God” here that we might start fresh. God is a Singularity. The Singularity. It may be said that God is the Universe – The Whole of It. The Entirety.

As such then God cannot do anything but be everything. God cannot be in relationship to anything else because there is nothing else. But by terms that we humans understand, being The Only means there can be no relationships.

Without relationships, entities cannot not define themselves. God cannot say “I am thus and you are such.” In God’s life there is no “such” because there is no other.

So we came into being, through the mind of God. (I believe it may be that there are other sentient beings in the Universe wherein God may be found as well. But we are dealing with humans only in this writing.)

What then is the reason we are alive? We are to be the expression, animation and manifestation of God. We give what we term as “life” to God. We can be in relationship to other things and beings.

Without our expression, God would be silent, eternally silent. But we can sing and dance and speechify and paint and write and sculpt. We can do all manner of benign and malignant things to declare our aliveness. By so doing we enliven God.

Because we have the largest mental capacity of any beings we know, we can genuinely say that we have the greatest range of animation possible as well. We can be the most alive of all the species on this earth.

By that I mean we can be the most diversified in terms of liveliness of all else upon this planet. In our dancing and speechifying, etc., we can give the widest range of possibilities. Because we have this potential it behooves us to demonstrate it as best we can.

We do not yet know the limits of our possibilities.

We are also the most manifesting creatures that we know. Because God is The Singularity, God cannot manifest, or be incarnate outside of Itself, for there is no “outside of Itself” when it comes to God.

But because we have the capacities of expression and animation, we can be the most manifesting creatures. We can make the most things and or experiences real, tangible, incarnate.

That is part of our job description – to make things and thoughts real. We can take the thoughts of God and make them “appear” within The Singularity.

Here are the reasons you are alive:

1. To be the expression of The Singularity.

2. To be the animation of The Singularity.

3. To be the manifestation of The Singularity.

What does this have to do with meaning and happiness?

When you make constant and deep connection with The Singularity, you plug into The Singularity. You realize your place within The Singularity. In that meld you find the meaning of your life. Expression, animation, manifestation all give you meaning. That meaning has a one word expression – happiness. To know your meaning is to know happiness.

You then show your happiness to yourself and to others by expressing yourself, animating who you are by actions in the world, and by manifesting what The Singularity is through your own life.

There you have the whole package: meaning, happiness, purpose.

You are alive to be what The Singularity cannot.

Get to it.

This has been Dr. Bob 4 U, and I invite you to change your life for the better by claiming your Free Instant Access to a Force-Source-Resource including a monthly newsletter titled The Force-Source-Resource Newsletter. Just Click Here Remember, one bit of information can give you a lifetime of satisfaction.
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What Is The Link Between Guided Imagery, Your Intellect, And Your Imagination?
By Max Highstein

Accessing the imagination is the key to creative problem solving, and it can also be very valuable in healing. The biggest limitation to using our imagination creatively is the intellect. Guided imagery helps us to slip past the intellect and use our imagination to solve problems, work creatively, and heal from within.

The intellect is something like a small computer. It can take the data it has been fed, and come up with various combinations of that data, and feed it back. It’s helpful for doing things like filling out forms, balancing a check book, and telemarketing. The intellect can only play a small part when it comes to real creativity, and tapping into the rich inner resources we all carry with us. For that, we need imagination, and the inspiration to use it.

Most adults have a complicated relationship to our imagination. We have fun using it on the rare occasions we allow ourselves to. But at some point during childhood or adolescence we figured out that with the possible exception of the theater, society tends to frown upon “make believe” as a way of being in the world.

That tends to be anathema for the imagination, so we stop using it. At that point, the imagination gets relegated to a backseat in our consciousness, and the intellect pretty much takes over. We actually begin to devote inner resources to keeping the imagination in check, so it doesn’t leak out at inappropriate times. The farther we get from the natural state in which the imagination is used on an ongoing basis (childhood) the harder it becomes to access.

But in order to come up with new solutions to new problems, and in order to shift our attitude inside to one that’s most conducive to healing, the imagination is required. Suddenly, we’re trying to use something we’ve told ourselves to avoid, and we’re stuck. In general the more intellect-focused a person is, the harder time they will have using their imagination.

Guided imagery is a workaround for the problem. A typical guided meditation asks us to relax – to set aside the intellect for a while. The soothing voice and soft music in the background tend to create a sense of safety that lets the intellect quiet down a bit. The images suggested in a guided meditation program (a gentle breeze, clouds, a mountain stream, etc.) tend to be triggers for our imagination to take off.

Max Highstein is the author of a wide variety of guided imagery recordings appreciated by folks the world over for over 25 years. To enjoy samples and free examples, visit his web site The Healing Waterfall at this link for a guided meditation.


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Falun Dafa, fifth exercise, meditation

Image via Wikipedia

Role of Meditation in Relieving Stress
By Chamunda Swami Ji

Stress has become an unavoidable aspect of our lives. In fact, we all experience stress at some or the other point of life. Stress takes its toll, physically, mentally and emotionally. Though a little amount of stress is beneficial, it becomes an affliction when it starts taking toll on our health. Since meditation provides both physical as well as mental relaxation, it’s a great way to relieve stress.

Meditation allows you to recharge, re-vitalize and re-energize your body mind and soul. In fact, meditation has an altogether opposite effect that stress does. Besides giving your mind a transparent outlook and a new viewpoint, meditation puts you in touch with the infinite power of the universe giving you access to everything you need.

While practicing meditation, your heart rate and breathing slows down, your blood pressure comes under control, and you make use of oxygen in a better way. Meditation allows you to focus silently so that your mind remains so busy concentrating on breathing and body form that you are left with no time to think about the factors that are causing you stress.

While meditating, you got to take care of certain things. The first thing you need to do is find a silent and peaceful space without any distractions, for meditating. Sit comfortably in an erect posture, with folded legs and closed eyes so that unwanted energy may leave through your feet and you remain undistracted.

Listen to your breath, imagine thoughts that would create rhythm with your breathing and console the mind.

Unlike other medical therapies, meditation offers no side effects. In fact, people with physical restrictions may find it easier to practice meditation for relieving stress instead of performing arduous physical exercise. Though a professional can guide you properly to learn the art of meditation, it could be learned by self- practice. However, it does take discipline and commitment.

Meditation takes you away from your busy life’s stresses and puts you in a quiet inner space of relief. Though some people may find it difficult to focus their attention regular practice will improve their abilities.

Do not expect instant results or any sort of miracles to happen. The benefits of meditation are wide-ranging and to reap the fruitful benefits of meditation one would require patience, determination as well as strong will power.

So, meditate regularly to reduce your stress level and keep your mind free from tension and worry.

Chamunda Swami Ji practicing spiritual healing in USA as well as in India. Swami Ji also conducts world tours of his spiritual seminar wherein he gives discourses on Meditation Techniques, Mantra and Tantra followed by a live question and answer session. – Indian Spiritual Healing

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