Universal Mind And The Power Within You

Universal Mind Control

Universal Mind Control (Photo credit: Keoni Cabral)

Universal Mind And The Power Within You
By Ben D Anderson

We are all connected within one universal mind. Each of us is a bundle of energy linked to an infinite source of universal energy. We all come from this same energy source because this energy field IS everything in existence! Every particle, energy wave, and force that we know of is derived as an expression from this basic fact. We all are one.

Our minds are transmitters of energy. Our thoughts and feelings manipulate the energy field surrounding us and cause the manifestation of our will. Control your mind and you can control your reality. Our minds also pick-up the signals of other peoples mental frequency. You feel this whenever you “get a feeling” about something or someone. Friendship is finding other people who have similar ideas as yourself, or rather, whose mental frequencies are in harmony with yours. The combined sea of brainwaves from us all, interacting constantly with one another, is the network of universal mind. And it is within this network that all things are manifested and experienced. Like waves in an ocean the tides of our reality are determined by the wind of our mental focus. Where this current takes you, and what you receive as a result, is entirely dependent on the direction you set your mind upon.

The power of your mind to shape the universe is unlimited. Whatever you hold your focus on, with feeling and belief, will come true. This is true whether you want it to come true or not. The more minds which are focused on the same thing and transmitting the same thought vibrations, the more magnitude the thought is given. Ten thousand people feeling an identical emotion is far more powerful than one person feeling that same emotion. The greatest human events in history were done in this fashion. One idea, resonating within one universal mind, becoming everyone’s belief and ultimate reality. All beliefs are caused in this way, becoming “truth” until another idea supplants it. What you believe is reality, IS reality for you. What everyone believes is reality, IS reality for all. Where thought is objective, belief is subjective, within the collective consciousness.

You are a piece of everything and everything is a part of you. It is important to understand that you cannot hurt someone else without also hurting yourself. Whatever you feel at any given moment in time, regardless of the reasons why, you attract more of. When you feel angry or spiteful towards another you are asking the universe for more of what makes you feel that negativity. The law of attraction works for each of us independently. Therefore ALL of your emotions are accepted as commands directed towards your life! Imagine the universe as an apple and each person alive is a cell which makes up this apple. For every negative thought, feeling, and action we take on each other, we bruise this apple more and more. Until the apple cannot withstand much more. At this point our will can either destroy our perceived enemy, and consequently our world, or save it through the positive use of the law of attraction. This is the power within our universal mind.

Treat others as you would treat yourself. The “golden rule” is a fact of existence if you want to be happy. You cannot expect to be treated differently than you believe you should be treated. If you cannot see the best in yourself than no one will! You have to make the choice within yourself to focus only on the best parts of yourself, those around you, and your situation. Fall in love with yourself and the world around you! Spend all of your emotional energy on feeling love and gratitude for all of the things that make you feel good! See only the good in everything and give everything that is good a chance to find you! Because this is what you will get more of through the network of universal mind. The joy you feel for your neighbors accomplishment is the exact joy you are asking of the universe in your own life. If this same joy is replaced with negativity, such as envy, then so will more reasons to feel that negativity be granted you!

Your consciousness is a part of one grand universal mind, therefore you have access to all of the power within it! Recognize yourself in all those around you. Be helpful, kind, and thankful for them as you would for yourself. For every good thing you do, feel, and think, it will be returned to you somehow. Remember always that what you give to others is what you give to yourself. If happiness is something you desire, then feel happy in your own life and for others success now. And watch as your life begins to sprout in the same direction, all from the guided touch of your focused mind!

The law of attraction is yours to command! Click the link below and learn all there is to know about the limitless power within you, and how to attract whatever you want most in life!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ben_D_Anderson


Total Recall of Who We Are: Stop Thinking and Start Being

Total Recall of Who We Are: Stop Thinking and Start Being

By Dr. Robert Puff

There is a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger called Total Recall. A large part of the movie revolves around Arnold’s character discovering who he really is. We all want to know who we really are. Unless we settle into thinking, “Well, this is my life and I’m not going to think about it,” we keep searching until we find the answers.

Who Are We Really?

When we’re born into this world, we quickly take on many different identities and continue to do so as we move through life. But how can we possibly be these things if they’re always changing? Can we truly be something that tomorrow might be different? Of course not! So then, who are we?

We have desires and fears and these develop into conditional responses. But we are not those responses. For example, we currently have a sweet, gentle Labrador named Einstein. My children aren’t afraid of Einstein at all, but some of my kids’ friends, and particularly their parents, are. These kids’ parents were raised in Latin American countries where dogs are wild and often vicious. These people have been conditioned to be afraid of dogs. Their children have picked up on their parents’ fears even though they’ve never been exposed to vicious dogs here in the United States. When these people meet Einstein, they learn not to fear him because he’s gentle and kind, and by doing so, they learn to be comfortable around other dogs.

We Are Not Our Thoughts

Thoughts, fears, and desires all occur in the mind. They are not permanent, so anything that the mind can create or conceive cannot be the ultimate, true reality of who and what we are. Our minds cannot grasp our true reality. All of our self-identifications are absolutely false and cause us bondage. When we become aware of this, we’re on the road to freedom, peace, and enlightenment.

If the absolute of who we are is beyond our mental grasp, is it something that’s beyond us, period? Absolutely not. Who we are is who we’ve always been, always will be, and are right now. If we silence the mind, we can experience it. We don’t know it, we can’t discuss it, but we can experience it. I often like to compare this with chocolate. If you’ve never had chocolate, you may be able to write books about it, but until you’ve tasted chocolate, you don’t know what it’s like.

Be Still, and You Will Find Your Supreme Self

When our minds become still, we become present with our Supreme.

self. How is this possible? It’s a lot like we’re in a completely empty space and start creating things. In this empty space, before things start being created, it is so beautiful, rich, and full. The emptiness, the not two, just one unicity is so rich and full that nothing is needed and everything comes out of that.

But what happens is that things do start coming out of it and when they come out, we engage with them. We want more of them or we don’t want them. This process of wanting and not wanting causes us to forget who we are.

Sometimes when we watch a movie, we get so involved in the plot that we forget we’re sitting in the audience. All that we have to do is remember that the movie may be enjoyable, but it’s not who I am. It’s just a movie. Of course we can enjoy our lives and when things go poorly, we can wish they were different. But ultimately, it is still out of the oneness, our not two-ness, that everything comes. The only thing that we are is that Unicity, that Nonduality. The Supreme Self is who we are because we can only be that which always was, always will be, and always is.

The Ultimate Truth

If it were possible – and it isn’t, but if it were – for me to label it, what would I call it? I would call it silent peace or I would call it love. I think we’ve all had the experience of experiencing love so rich, full, and yet so empty that it comes pretty close as a description. It’s the same way I think sometimes when we meditate it can be so peaceful yet so silent.

All that we have to do is realize that we aren’t our thoughts and feelings, even though they continue to occur. We are that from which everything comes. If I can use gold as an example: gold is a beautiful element and we can shape it into so many different ornaments. But it’s still gold when all the creation is over. When it’s melted down, it’s still gold. It’s always been gold and its ultimate nature doesn’t change in any way. It’s always been and always will be gold.

The ultimate truth is that we are. And when we aren’t, we are that. Silence. Beauty. Love.

Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, author, international speaker, and meditation expert who has been counseling individuals, families, nonprofits, and businesses for over twenty years. A contributing writer to Psychology Today, he has authored numerous books, including Spiritual Enlightenment: Awakening to the Supreme Reality and creates a weekly podcasts and articles on enlightenment, spiritual enlightenment, nonduality, Advaita Vedanta at: http://www.EnlightenmentPodcast.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Robert_Puff


Getting Unstuck When the Head and the Heart Disagree

Getting Unstuck When the Head and the Heart Disagree
By Ronda LaRue

The anxiety of being faced with a crossroad in life where a next decision must be made in order to move forward from this stopped, stuck place, is often tremendously stressful.

The inner debate and frustrating angst can seem insurmountable and hopeless. That’s what makes it so paralyzing; that’s how we stay stuck. And in a way, the situation is indeed insurmountable and hopeless. Let me explain. The situation is insurmountable in the aspect that two arguing forces not only want two different choices, but that they don’t even speak the same language.

When the head argues for one path and the heart for another, it is like trying to compare “apples to oranges” – they don’t even view things the same way or with the same value of importance — thus making it “impossible” to make a sound decision. So you can see how this awful self-tormenting experience of being stuck in an unsolvable and circular dialogue takes place, right?

Few situations in life are more frustrated than feeling stuck and stopped when needing to make a decision and act. Talk about flushing the cells with stress hormones and adrenaline!

We hear people speak of this experience nearly every day. A person might say something like this:

“How do I know if I am listening to my head or my heart in this situation?”

“Which do I trust in this situation with which I am faced: the head or the heart?”

“How do I know what to listen to? How can I trust my own inner guidance when I am confused and stuck in contradictory circular inner arguments, thoughts, and feelings?”

Sound familiar?

I am going to offer you a way through this seemingly insurmountable dilemma. But first, it will help to get a feel for the landscape of these two dialoguing forces inside of you: The head and the heart.*

*Please note that the head and the heart are not literal distinctions as if there are 2 discreet entities inside of you. Rather, my use of head and heart are used here as pointers to two distinct operating languages and aspects of your consciousness.

When we more clearly see how these two functions operate within us, we are more able to stand clear of the circular arguments and counter-arguments between the head and heart.

When we learn to stand aside and see the dynamic and relationship at play between the head and heart, we become able to access our deeper truth of being where nothing is stuck.

So let’s look at these two forces: the head and the heart, each in turn.

Let’s see how the head and heart each “think” and what they each value… Let’s look at the language of the head and at the language of the heart, and start to see how difficult it is for the two to understand one another. (It is rather like asking a person who only understands French to make an important decision with someone who only communicates through sign language. They will have a challenging time as they sit and facing some obstacle or crossroad that requires a partnership agreement in order to move. Heck, they won’t even necessarily see or agree on the same problem or even that they are at the same crossroad!)

Let’s just play this out for a minute:

Picture yourself in some uncomfortable situation where you need to make an important choice, and your heart and your head are at war or in disagreement as to the right choice. Find that inner confused anxiety feeling; it’s pretty easy, we’ve all faced it, and in fact face it many times each day.

The Heart of the Matter:

Arguments from the heart have these tendencies in common:

  • the heart evokes a feeling of inspiration and longing at the very foundation of our soul (aka it’s voice is deeply compelling);
  • the heart can seem timid before the head, but really is surprisingly strong and tenacious in the emotional feelings of desire;
  • the heart might seem a bit narcissistic or careless in terms of its powerful appeal for “throwing caution to the wind” and enjoying life in the moment. It doesn’t care!
  • The heart does not fear; it feels. It loves everything alive. It feels – just feels and shares what it feels. The head fears (for the heart in a way). The head doesn’t feel, it’s not good at that at all. It is emotion-less and comparative.

The Manner of Grey Matter:

Arguments from the head have these tendencies in common:

  • the head dangles the “carrot of our comfort” out as an enticement to over-rule any contradictory feelings of the heart;
  • the head tries to convince us (and often very convincingly) that it is only looking out for what is safest and therefor, best;
  • the head does a very good job of convincing us to make a decision based on our fear of making the wrong decision;
  • the head strives to keep us on the good safe straight known path…

In other words — when there is confusion around a decision; when there is discord between the thoughts of the head and the wishes of the heart; when there is anxiety over how to trust which voice is which… and worse: which one is right in this matter: the head or the heart! This, my friend, is where we often create confused havoc and weave tangled webs of complicated stuckness in our lives! Been there, done that. You?

Here’s how it goes…

The head will fight boldly and litigiously in favor of minimizing perceived threat and helping us feel maximally safe. The heart will argue persuasively and seductively in favor of seeking passionate fulfillment and by causing us suffering where it longs for more life…

In simplified terms: The head is our built in “status quo, stay safe, watch out, always on the look out for potential threats kinda guy“. The head positions itself as our “high security body guard”– ready to take on anything or anyone it sees as potential threat to our safety.

And it’s a good thing too, that we have our head and our wits about us! Without our fear-monitoring, watchful wits, we’d never have survived the saber tooth tigers, old and new. We wouldn’t be here having this discussion at all. We’d be a failed species.

And then there’s the heart:The heart is our built in “it’s time to grow and evolve, expand and explore, open and fulfill, freedom loving kinda gal” The heart seats itself as our enchanting muse and tender seductress pulling on the heartstrings of all that wishes to grow and bloom.

And it’s a good thing too, that we have our heart’s passion-seeker within us. Without our beauty-inspired, fiery spark of the heart, we’d never have grown past the cave man hiding from the saber tooth tigers, old and new. We wouldn’t be here having this discussion either. We’d be a dead species.

So the question really might be this:

“When the head and the heart are at odds (which they inherently most often are), how do we listen to the bold the watch out, protective and rational security guard head, while still hearing the whispers and deep soulful longings of the passionate heart — and then come to some balanced sense of clarity and courage of choice?”

Is that a fair way of putting the situation in which we find ourselves when the recommendations of the head and the longings of the heart have us in the self-paralyzing throws of confusion and conflict over a decision?

I think you’ll agree that it is.

So now: what to do…WHAT TO DO!?

Without trying to sound too simplistic, new age cliche, or unsympathetic, “what to do” really is simpler than we realize. Here’s the trick:

The trick of moving through this stalemate, has less to do with making “the right decision “, and more to do with stepping into true conscious awareness of the dynamics and inner dialogue that is going on between head and heart from a certain space: from a space of inner witnessing…

Eckhart Tolle in his book “A New Earth” calls this inner witness /observer your true “primary purpose”; Byron Katie points to it as “who you are without your story”; others call it your authentic self, your true nature, Buddha mind, Christ consciousness; awakened presence etc etc etc.

Regardless of what name we call this inner still point that can witness the drama of head and heart as it plays out (and not become identified with either the head nor the heart), is the pathway to finding our freedom and to making the natural spontaneous next step of “right action”. (Suggest a 3 paragraph re-read here.)

So what to do when you find yourself stopped in your tracks and racing round and round in circles of self-repeating conflict between the head and the heart?




I’m serious. (Dick and Jane were right.) Stop! Stop weighing all the angles; stop making pro-con lists, stop talking to your friends about which way to go. STOP! (If you can’t stop, stop anyway)

Play some meditative music or go on a walk in nature and just look at the noisy inner self through the eyes of the observer. Look at the inner divisive battle like a naturalist would look at a grasshopper jumping here and there. Just look at it all going on.

Observe the dynamics of the drama as if you are seated in the audience of a (perhaps badly or greatly performed) drama that is being playing out. Become an affectionato of the two characters: the head and the heart, but don’t become either one. Stay seated in your audience chair, observing. Get curious about seeing and appreciating each nuance, costuming, and posturing attempts of the head and heart to debate, convince, and connive. See it all playing out through your inner observing theatre seat. Watch it, eyes wide open.

Next, Listen! Listen into the observer space. The observer space is empty; without thought or feeling. The observer is neither head nor heart. The witnessing inner observer is your meditative still point, it is the place where wisdom and the intelligence of the soul resides and arises to inform you on your way (…if you learn how to let it!)

The inner observer is separate from head and heart and yet it sees both. It is neither one of these aspects and yet it is ALL of you. If you can learn how to listen from the place of deep inner emptiness, with no attachment to directing or needing an “answer”, I promise you, a direction will simply arise and you will naturally find yourself moving in a way that neither your head nor your heart could have dreamed up!

Here’s where we often get trapped by faulty understanding and fall back into the drama identification:

We believe that we must find clarity before we can move. Not so!

No clarity is possible when we buy into a division between head and heart. Clarity is actually that which arises from the silence, sees the drama, appreciates the play, but is not attached to, nor identified with, it.

Clarity realizes that there is no “right answer”…only a right relationship to be in, so that action can arise, spontaneously, from this consciously- seated space. To be in right relationship to all circumstances, decisions, and seeming choices, is to remain seated as the observer-self from which your true nature simply moves you on your “right next way”… It takes a direct experience of what I am saying here to know how profoundly true and life-transforming this statement is.

“Right relationship” with life challenges, questions, and directions, is one that stops and steps out, then looks back at the drama being played, and listens into the stillness of the observer self and simply waits for the movement that naturally next comes – of it’s own — when the need and the noise of mind and heart are stilled in this deep waiting pool of inner peace.

From that remarkable place, clarity comes — not as “the one right decision” but as a simple spontaneous next step along your path. And as you simply respond by making that next step along your path, the head and the heart find themselves freed into a new way of walking with silence (aka with your “authentic self”).

The head and the heart (our dual separating selves) begin to realize that they do not command your entire reference point and are not the sole “gig”. The head and the heart (the ego-identified self structures) begin to feel the Observer/Witness here and present within you. The head and the heart experience you standing in your True Nature.

It is then, that a new friendship becomes possible between the head and the heart and the old game of self-paralyzing confusion and stuckness stops. The fight is simply seen through when one becomes seated in their true authority (authentic self – the observer-witness).

When the need for “finding the right way” is seen through for the drama trap that it is, and is given up, then the next good step on your path unwinding, simply walks…

It is then, that walking in ones truth becomes as natural as breathing. See and experience this one time and you are free of stuck.

May you fall in love with your authentic self as it simply witnesses and walks you along your true way.

Internationally-sought teacher, author, Ronda LaRue, offers spiritual mentoring programs and training apprenticeships in her SoulArts Process of Awakening ™ – A uniquely embodied and creative process for attuning to the language of soul and living your Life’s genius in every day, real life.Ronda’s life-changing apprenticeship retreats and Center for Soul Arts, in Ojai California, rated one of the “Top 10 Spiritual Retreats in the World” (Asia Spa Magazine, 2007). Learn more at www.rondalarue.com/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ronda_LaRue